How to Save a Life

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This chapter contains mature and sensible content revolving around race, organ donation among other subjects about the health care system that may be triggering to some

🚨Readers Discretion Advised🚨

September 22, 2025
Rochester, New York

Traffic is packed, there are no alternate routes to take, they are stuck and there is nothing that can be done. The driver keeps honking and shifting the siren's sound on and off, but nothing happens.

A couple of minutes pass, they manage to make a little bit of progress, but, the rain has intensified, the weather outside in mid-day, looks as if night had fallen.

As thunder echos through the sky, lightning bolts illuminate the clouds, they all look at each other as a call comes through the ambulance radio from dispatch

"There's been an accident near the highway exit, assistance required, I repeat, there's been an accident near the highway exit, assistance is required"

Doctor Melton once again looks to the paramedics in the front "What is going on out there?"

The driver looks at him "We are getting details, it seems like a car just crashed into a lightning post and it came down."

Kyle pops his head forward "So, what do we do? We need to get this baby to the hospital as soon as possible, she is already decompensating."

The other paramedic pushes him a little for him to get back in his sit "As of this moment we are the closest medical assistance if the opportunity presents itself we need to check and see how many injuries there maybe"

Kyle sits down back in his place "I'm sorry but aren't you supposed to transport the patient you already have inside the ambulance before you make a rest stop to check on another?"

The driver turns to both of them "This is an emergency, the baby is being transferred but she is still in a stable condition"

Kyle sarcastically looks at Melton "I don't think he heard me when I said she is decompensating"

The second paramedic flares her nostrils while looking outside "We heard you, but there is two of us, a doctor and a nurse, not all of us need to make it to the hospital to hand her over"

Melton shrugs "They're right"

Kyle looks at Melton and sights "Alright, let's get out and see if we can make way for the ambulance to continue and go assist the crash sight while we wait for the other ambulances"

While they're in a conversation, the other hospital calls in "Doctor, the organs have successfully been recovered, how far along are you?"

Doctor Melton looks at Kyle and then the baby

"We're stuck in the middle of a traffic jam, but we're already working on it"

"Doctor, there are other patients on the list awaiting a heart as well, if you are not here soon and another donor moves to the top of the list the organs are going to that recipient."

Melton puts a hand on his forehead "Look, I know how this works, but we're on our way, the surgeon that will perform the transplant is already in your hospital, talk to him and try to hold them off as long as you can, a lightning post went down, dispatch is already re-routing us"

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