Let it Rain On My Parade

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January 28, 2031
Rochester, New York:

Outside the hospital as Kyle closes the driver's door, the cold winds howl strongly, he looks around as the breeze caresses his cheeks. He starts jogging towards the hospital's lobby. As he heads up to meet up with Melton he runs into Samantha "Let me guess, you're here to prepare for the arrival of your patient" He looks at her as he stops to analyze what she just said "What? What patient?"

"You know, the one from Seattle, everyone is already talking about it and the news broke like three minutes ago"

"I'm just here to talk to Melton" He replies

"Ohh, I see, you can't talk about it, I understand, and don't worry, I won't say anything" She winks at him and smiles as she turns to leave

As he continues up the stairs in the main entrance all he sees is people staring at him. Two floors later he makes it through the doors of the Peds floor, doctor Melton turns to look at him

"Kyle thank God you are here; Alright people listen up, in the next few days we will receive a high profile case from Washington Presbyterian Hospital, the information came regarding Dr. Ramney, as all of you know he has to fly out to Atlanta to attend another patient and I will be flying to Sao Paolo to combat an epidemic that is starting to spread affecting the children. That is why, after much deliberation and agreement with the board, the head of the diagnostics team, the director of our department, and our chief, that we've decided to leave Sandoval in charge of this case." Melton points to him smiling as Ramney gives an apologetic look "Many internists have to try to solve this case, and they have failed." He turns to look at Kyle "Sandoval we are confident that with your outgoing ways, experience, level of education, and dedication you will do as it's best for this patient."

Kyle steps forward and whispers to Andrews's ear "I'm sorry, Can we have a word, IN PRIVATE."

"Sure" Melton responds as everyone else stares at the pair.

The two of them enter a broom closet and Kyle turns on the light as he lets out a sigh

"Did I just hear you correctly, you're going to Brásil to combat a spreading epidemic, a surgeon, not to do surgeries but combat an epidemic instead, and Ramney the head of the diagnostics team is leaving, with an incoming patient, and you both just looked at one another decided to leave me, A NURSE, IN CHARGE, of a case that many diagnosticians have failed to diagnose, Are you fucking crazy?" Melton looks at him silently and then talks "Kyle, you are more prepared in pediatrics than me, you outsmart me, you outwork me, you were born to do this, get it right and it will put you on the map, besides, you are a Nurse Practitioner who just finished a doctorate in research, you are more than capable"

Kyle pinches the bridge of his Jose "Have you lost your mind? Get it right and it will put you on the map, IF I GET IT WRONG AND THAT CHILD DIES THAT CAN AND MOST LIKELY WILL BE MY LICENSE, MY ENTIRE CARRIER, AND YOU WANT ME TO JEOPARDIZE THAT FOR SOME GLORIFY MINUTE OF FAME?"

The President of the hospital walks in as everyone can hear what they are saying anyways

"Sandoval, if I may, I've read your file, you are the one member of our staff with a mortality rate of less than 5.3 percent. You've been working here for almost 10 years now, and that's how many patients you've lost 5 for every hundred of the lives that you've touched. There is no one else, we, the hospital, and its doctors trust more to do this right now. This case will be your only focus, nothing more, you get to choose who works with you, how to do it, and what to do. Yes, it's risky, but you went to school and prepared yourself for this, nurse practitioners are diagnosticians, put your knowledge to good use and help us save this child."

He looks at them, takes a deep breath, and replies "I need to think about it, but if I do this, I'm going to need a signed letter that very well specifies that in the case that the child dies, the hospital holds itself completely accountable, I also want two nurses with me around the clock, the residents that will work with me, are with me, to follow rules and instructions, I want a private room for the patient, and a research area to proceed as we see fit. And the entire record of this child as well as the entire family history since the moment he/ she was born, to the very last thing she ate before she arrived here. IF I decide I will take this case on, I need to be prepared"

"You got it, and if there is anything else that you may need, don't doubt to ask" Replied the Director

The director of the hospital walks out, tells everyone to go back to their jobs and await further instructions, and to cooperate in anything and everything Kyle may end up needing.

Kyle walks out of the closet and Melton follows "Where are you going in such a hurry."

He looks back at Andrew "I have to meet with someone. And by the way, Melton, do you want to explain how it is that you concluded leaving me in charge without even asking me first, the day before you leave to bloody mother fucking Brásil?"

"The kids there need me and I knew you'd be on board" Melton replied

"And you need to take a minute and think before you go making commitments on my behalf," Kyle said with an aggravated tone

"Ok hey, what is with the attitude, and don't tell me it's because I'm leaving, because it's only for a few months," Melton asks

"No Andrew, this has nothing to do with you leaving, you can get a one-way ticket to hell for all I care, but the rest, all of it, you throw me to the fucking pit of hell to be eaten by wolves and don't even give me a heads up. I heard about the patient walking up the stairs as everyone stared at me, so excuse me for thinking this is beyond you, that this is not ok. I'm going to take on this case because it's not like I have any other option and that child is already on its way, but this, ah ah, this is not what friends do to each other, this crosses the line, and I will not stand it, so just leave me the fuck alone because I want nothing else to do with you."

Kyle storms out pissed as hell, he reaches his car, gets in, and drives to meet with Tatiana.

As he arrives at shake shack, she greets him, she sees his look and knows something is off

"Wow, what happened to you, you look, well, like you but mega angry"

"Tatiana, what is it? and stop with the jokes cause I am not in the mood." He replied

"I need your help, and it's the least you can do."
She says to him

"I know, I know, sleeping with you and telling your girlfriend, who wasn't your girlfriend back then, that I knew you two slept together and that WE were the ones sleeping together was not cool, so get to the point, cause I also recall telling her to fess up her love and now you are together soooo your welcome," He says annoyed

"Fine, fine, I just need your help picking one of this"

She brings out a case filled with wedding rings. Kyle looks at them, looks back at her and his jaw drops as he gasps

"Rings, are those WEDDING RIIINGS," He says super loud and excited

Everyone around them turns to look and she kicks him right in the tibia

"Ouchhh, what was that for you bitch"

"Shut the hell up," She says in a very low, angry, and demanding tone

Kyle's afterwords for this chapter

"In moments of desperation, there will always be something to be happy about, something that will keep your mind off of things, so focus on the things you can control and walk to the next prepare for what may come, for in the game of life, it seems no one ever thought of writing some instructions"

*Kyle is about to receive the biggest case he has ever faced in his entire career, how will that turn out? And are wedding bells about to start ringing?*

Continue reading the final chapter of
🗽Abroad Liberty🗽
To find out

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