I Know You Know I Fucked Her

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February 13, 2026
Rochester, New York:

Kyle is sitting in his leaving room when Tatiana knocks on his door, he opens it and she lets herself in "We need to talk" He says to her

"What happened? Is something wrong?"
She asks standing in the leaving room

"I think we shouldn't do this anymore" She looks at him as he continues "I mean, we never should've done this in the first place"

"Ok, can I ask why?" She asks

"I, this got messy, and it was fun, thrilling, the sneaking around and the having sex in places we shouldn't, but our friends, you, all of you are my people, and, I never should've let this get this far out of hand" Tatiana looks at him and puts the bag of drinks on the countertop "I agree" He looks at her surprised "You do?"

"I do, it was good, and as you said, fun and all, but it's time to end it, for the sake of our friends, and ours"

She opens his top cabinet and brings down two glasses

"So, we're good?"
Kyle asks

"We, my dear friend are excellent" She replies pouring two full glasses of tequila and handing him one "To us, and our never-ending friendship" They click their glasses

Three days later

Kyle sits in his car in front of an apartment building, as he spots her he steps out and rushes to the woman "Samantha, can we have a word?"

"Sure, what is it? wait, why, have you been waiting for me out here all this time?" She replies

"I was, and I wanted to talk to you"

"What about," She asks

"Can we sit down somewhere?"

She leads him to a little bench and they sit

"So, I know that the past few months haven't been the greatest in terms of our friendship, I also know you know about me and Tatiana, and, I know I don't have to explain myself about what I do with my private time but, I just wanted to tell you that it's over" She looks at him "Okay, but, Why would I care if it's over or not?"

"Ever since you found out we slept together the first time, you've been angry at me and well, I just wanted to let you know that it's no longer happening, nor will it ever happen again," Kyle says to her

"Still, I don't understand why I should care"

"Samantha, come on, you wouldn't have been so angry unless you had a reason to" She looks at him "What did she tell you"

"Nothing, I'd just been thinking about it and well, just as you can read between the lines, so can I, and you are my friend, and I, do not, by any means, want to ruin our friendship." He says to her with an honest look

"Haaaah, Kyle if you were worried about our friendship you wouldn't have slept with her in the first place, and if that was a mistake you for sure wouldn't continue with it, so, I don't think you care," Samantha says as she stands from the bench

"That's not fair and you know it, I didn't know about the two of you, that's why I'm here, talking to you, or trying at least. And God knows I don't have to explain myself to anyone, I'm a grown single man, but, I've also been in love with people whom I've never been corresponded by, I know how it feels, but this is not the case, she's great and all, but it's a casual thing"

"So your not in love with her?" She asks

"What? Nonononono, she was sad, because, well you know, that bitch broke up with her, I was a little passed over my alcohol level of good decision making you know, and we just, we wanted to blow up some steam."

"I see, still, I don't think she feels the same way as I do. I mean, for all I know, she thinks that night was all about my curiosity" She replies

"I don't think that's true, I mean don't mind me telling you this, but, if you feel something for her, tell her, because there may be a possibility that she likes you too, I mean, she wouldn't of let it slip just like that if she didn't want me to know that something happened, and even if she doesn't or isn't ready, well, you told her, and you tried, and you can move on, but not knowing will consume you, it will consume your thoughts, your time, everything, and it sucks, so if you like her, which I know you do, you should go for it," Kyle says while holding her hand

"But what about you, what if she likes you?" She asks

"If that happens to be the case, it will suck because that wasn't part of our agreement, but honestly if you ask me, she like the vag-g too fucking much, my dick is just a distraction, not the end game, just as her vagina is not mine. But don't tell her I said that!"

"HAHAHAHA she would kill you, but I will, and Kyle, I know you've been under a lot of stress lately with your masters and Melton leaving, so, I'm sorry for adding to it instead of being there for you, and if you need a new work hubby, to help with your stress, I can be it for you" She gives him a genuine look

"Thanks, but I think I need to be work single from now on."

Five years later

January 28, 2031
Rochester, New York

Kyle is driving up to the hospital and his phone rings again Tatiana's name shows in the caller Id so he answers

"Where the hell are you? I've been calling you."

"I just arrive at the hospital, I'll call you back soon, I have something to discuss here." He hangs up the phone so she texts him "Hey you idiot, first, I know you did not just hang up on me, second, remember when you said you'd owe me for telling Samantha that I told you about us, and then telling her about us, well, payday is here, and I need you, so hurry up and meet me at shake shack on 11th avenue. And don't tell anyone, OR ELSE"

Kyle's afterwords for this chapter

"Time is an illusion, but everything we do, we do base on it, we live, we love and we even die on a schedule, for we've been thought that everything happens at the exact time it was meant to happen and not a second after"

*Kyle has a hard to hard with Samantha and they clear the air. What is Tatiana in on, and why could she want Kyle's help?*

Continue reading chapter sixteen of
🗽Abroad Liberty🗽
To find out

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