50 - Criticism

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Now he'd promised Juice, there was no way back. He had to tell Marcus what his son had done. But how did one tell something like that? He couldn't walk straight to his President and accuse his son of drugging a brother, could he?

Lost in thoughts, Phantom dipped the sponge in the bucket, squeezed it, and continued to clean the bikes of his brothers. Although it was a task he never expected to get when he went to prospect for the club, it wasn't exactly a punishment now the sun was shining and his head was filled with sorrow. Sure, he did feel like a servant, but his first months were done and the others weren't watching him or making taunting comments the whole time.

With a dry cloth, he rubbed the washed parts to make sure no water drops were left behind; then, he gathered the cleaning products and knelt beside the next Harley.

When all the bikes were finished, he got up, threw away the dirty water and stuffed away the products.

A quarter to five.

It was quiet in the clubhouse; as it seemed, they were still in a meeting. He poured himself a drink. He had no idea what they were discussing, so there was no way to estimate whether Marcus would be in a good mood or not.

When the men finally spilled into the clubhouse, he still hadn't thought of a proper way of bringing the subject up. He would have to be straight-forward. He made sure all of the men had a drink. Some of his brothers went out to enjoy the sun; Esai among them. This was the best chance he would get.

Squaring his shoulders, Phantom walked to his President. He was talking to his VP, making Phantom doubt. What if they were in an important conversation?

Apparently, Marcus saw him tarrying for he caught his glance and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

Phantom swallowed nervously. "I uh — I wanted to tell you something. Something... private."

"Did you discuss it with your sponsor?"

"No." He could barely hear his own voice and added a little louder: "It's about my sponsor."

Marcus' glance scanned his face. It was impossible to say how the man felt about that. Without taking his eyes off Phantom's, he took another sip from his beer before he stood op. "Very well." Marcus led him to a small office where he sat down on a desk chair. "Spit it out, hijo." He gestured at a chair across from the desk.

Phantom sat down.

His president's eyes were friendly instead of threatening, surprising him. It helped him relax a bit.

"Esai made me do something, a few weeks ago. Something... I don't feel comfortable with. I've tried to put it down, but it keeps coming back. I feel guilty towards another brother and..."

"Get on with it, Phantom."

Phantom took a deep breath. Right. "A few weeks ago, Esai drugged Raine. He told me to bring the guy to his room and undress him." Ashamed, he dropped his eyes. "A girl joined him — Destiny — and the next morning she was supposed to claim that they'd slept together. I told Esai it didn't sit right with me, but he told me he'd kick me out if I told Raine — or anyone else — the truth."

Skittishly, he looked up.

A shadow passed Marcus' face; his eyes darkened.

"I know the club wasn't a big fan of Raine's relationship with Juice," Phantom said softly. "But drugging someone — letting him believe that he is a cheater... I know Raine hates himself for it and that his self-hatred is destroying what's left of his family. I feel fucking guilty for keeping the truth from him. But if this was a club decision, then..."

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