10 - Openness

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Skye had seen Juice's bright red face when she entered the living room. She knew Raine was trying to buy time by asking for another beer and although she was burning with curiosity, she gave the two guys a little more time together. From the corner of her eye, she saw that Raine was whispering something in Juice's ear, startling her friend so much he choked on his beer and started to cough.

Skye bit back a smile. It was just so adorable. She hadn't seen Juice in love before, but there was a permanent blush on his cheeks now. It was so freaking cute! Had Raine picked up on it? She hadn't noticed anything until they'd gone to her home, but well, it was hard to miss...

With two drinks she returned to the living room. Cross-legged, she sat down in the armchair, taking in the two men. Yeah – they would be an amazing couple. Raine was exactly what Juice needed, and during the date she had felt Raine's longing for someone who understood him; someone he could lean on when caring for his family was becoming too much for him.

There was a tense silence in the room. Had it been there too when she was in her room? Both men had told her they had a click, so she had expected things to go pretty well between them. However, Juice's discovery that he was in love might've complicated things.

She caught Juice's gaze and motioned with her eyes to her bedroom door, silently asking him if he wanted her to leave. Almost imperceptibly he shook his head. She saw the panic in his eyes; he didn't feel comfortable at all.

She clapped her hands. "Alright! I know you've both turned each other inside out when you were stuck in the elevator, but I love a good late night conversation! So... let's all ask one question that we all have to answer honestly."

Juice looked relieved, thankful that the silence was broken. She smiled.

"Okay, I'll start." She looked at Raine. "The perfect date. What does that look like?"

"Hmm..." He leaned forward. "Something givin' me an adrenaline boost. Like... bungee jumping or something. And after that... getting some cheap food, finding a quiet place to talk and ending up with steamy sex?"

She chuckled. "So I did like everything wrong?"

"The night isn't over," he winked.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't do sex on first dates," she winked back. That wasn't exactly true, but he didn't need to know that. As hot and nice as he was; she would never do that to Juice.

"Okay Juicy. Your perfect date?"

He ran a hand across his Mohawk. Poor baby, he was so nervous... She felt sorry for him. It felt like he didn't dare to say anything at all. "Ummm... going to some arcade sounds cool, and an old school marathon afterwards?"

She started to laugh. "Boy, like you will even finish the first movie when you like someone. I'm sure your date is half naked before the title even shows up."

Finally, a grin appeared on his face. "Hey, leave me to my delusion that I'm a gentleman. And, what's your perfect date?"

She thought about it. "A date with a millionaire sounds awesome. Throwing money around all day long."

The two men started to laugh. "Well, you better stop dating bikers then Mouse. We're poor."

"Well, we're outlaws after all," Raine said to him. "A good outlaw should earn some good money someday."

Juice chuckled. "Think you gotta choose a more experienced biker. What about Piney? Or Clay?"

She scrunched her nose. "You two cause me nightmares. Next question." She gave Raine a questioning look.

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