38 - Loyalty

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Nervously, Juice twisted the skull on his thumb. The past ten minutes he had walked to the window five times to see if Raine was coming. This felt wrong. So wrong. Inviting Raine over because his club wanted information from him. Since Clay had given him this task yesterday, it had been the only thing on his mind. He had no idea how to get this done, but the last thing he wanted was Raine being violently interrogated by his brothers. Perhaps Raine could think of a solution, an answer with which his club wouldn't feel betrayed. Or maybe, he would become furious when he found out that Juice had agreed with this plan. 

As the doorbell finally rung, his heart was racing in his chest. How could he think the worst was over now their clubs knew about them? He had the feeling that it was only starting now; only now, their love was tested. His insides seemed to slosh through his body as he reached the front door and opened it. Hoping that Raine's smile would melt away his insecurities, he looked up to his boyfriend. He wasn't smiling. His face was pale and there was no spark in his eyes. Even though he had seen him yesterday, it felt like weeks had passed. 

Raine didn't look at him as he walked past him. Juice closed the door behind him and grabbed his hand before he could walk to the living room. With an empty look in his eyes, Raine looked over his shoulder. A terrible feeling came over him. His glance reminded him of the days after his sister's passing. 

Juice pulled his boyfriend in his arms and held him tight, especially when Raine pushed his body against his. Pressing his face against Juice's shoulder, he breathed heavily. Juice laid a soft kiss on his temple. What on Earth had happened to him? Did they kick him out? His response to Juice's invitation had been short, but he hadn't given it a second thought. 

"Hey... What's going on baby?"

"They're a bunch of assholes," he muttered. 

The words ached his heart. Juice didn't pry further, he rubbed soothing circles on Raine's back and ignored the bruises on his own body. For a long time they were just standing there, until Raine's breathing slowed down and his grasp became looser. 

After a deep sigh, he let go of Juice. "Sorry for this dramatic entrance. Today was just really shitty."

As Raine pulled back his arms, Juice noticed the bandage on his left forearm. He decided not to mention it yet and led Raine to the kitchen where he poured them a drink. 

"Have you eaten already?" Juice asked. 

It was 8.30. He himself had grabbed a quick bite a while ago. 

"I wasn't hungry," Raine muttered, slamming the drink. 

"You gotta eat something," Juice said, keeping to himself how terrible he looked. "I'll make you some burgers."

Raine offered him a tired smile to show his gratitude before sitting down on the couch. Juice watched him worried while he took rolls from the fridge and put the burgers in the frying pan. 

. . . 

Raine didn't say much the whole evening. Juice didn't even dare to bring up Clay's words. The silence between them was anything but comfortable. Usually Raine was very open; Juice never had to try to get him to talk and that why he wasn't sure if he should push for it. The consequence of not knowing however was that he was getting all kinds of horrible ideas. Countless scenarios played his mind and he couldn't stop his brain unless he did something about it. Snuggling up to his lover on the couch, he took Raine's hand. With his thumb, he traced the edge of the bandage. 

"You want to tell me what happened?"

Raine's jaw clenched. "Go see for yourself," he grumbled. 

Confused, Juice searched for his eyes. These were dark. Cold. 

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