vi. a most foolish idea [part ii]

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A MOST FOOLISH IDEA the most foolish idea

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the most foolish idea.

...TWO THINGS HAD HAPPENED since the day Valeria Targaryen came to believe in White Walkers.

The first, that her sister had returned to Dragonstone — her robes smocked with ash, and a crimson substance that looked auspiciously like blood. She had, too, brought with her whispers, whispers that she was no longer the epitome of everything a queen should be — but instead, just as mad her her father, and perhaps even madder, for during the short time that she was gone, as Valeria was soon to learn — Daenerys had developed a slight taste for burning her prisoners alive.

Naturally, Valeria wasn't in the least by this — but rather by how well Daenerys seemed to be concealing this newfound insanity. Her pale skin was still so perfect, her violet eyes still so kind, vivid and happy. No cracks had even begun to litter her sister's beautiful visage — but alas, Valeria supposed there was still time...

The second, that Ser Jorah — the only, albeit warped and imperfect, inkling of a father that Valeria had ever had growing up — had returned. This was news that had softened the blow of Valeria's slight existential crisis brought on by the revelation that an army of dead men were marching further and further south at every waking moment, and news that had been sure to put smiles on the faces of the whole court, to whom Ser Jorah was a much loved figure.

It seemed that Jon Snow, too, had been the receiver of his own news — and — at their latest assembly round Dragonstone's infamous painted table, he had been handed a rather small, yet undoubtedly quite important scroll by Varys.

Varys passed it to Jon slowly, treating the rolled parchment so very carefully, that Valeria could've sworn the spider, whom she was entirely sure had already scanned the letter's contents, had considered whatever was inside the letter explosive, or even dangerous, and certainly unpleasant enough to warrant the auspiciously grim look that graced his usually placid face.

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