xiii. evil incarnate

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EVIL INCARNATE。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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..."YOU STAND ACCUSED OF MURDER. You stand accused of treason." Sansa Stark's steely voice sounded throughout the great hall, her fateful words eliciting what could only be described a shockwave of gasps through all gathered there — especially Valeria Targaryen, whose penchant for theatre rendered her decidedly amused by even the notion of this o' so delightful performance — especially when it came with such a...deathly...premise.

Arya stood before the deius, hands behind her back and her grey stare stiller than water — stagnant, and defiant in it's unwillingness to budge at Sansa's  flurry of accusations.Valeria's eyes were trained solely on her, Sansa, Bran and Lord Baelish (the only soul amongst them who had not been informed of the day's...altered...agenda) seated firmly beside her. Her lips were pursed, hiding her smile, but the faint sparkle in her lavender eyes gave her sheer amusement delight — she was just loving this.

"How do you answer these charges..." Sansa questioned, coldly, and for a single, fleeting, moment it looked as though she was asking this of her own sister — a speculation that was soon proven painfully wrong as she slowly turned to Littlefinger himself, and all time seemed to stop "Lord Baelish?" She flashed him a curt, yet menacing, smile — no longer would she allow him to be her puppet master. His time playing the Game of Thrones through her was over — now was the time for revenge, and gods was Sansa hungry for it.

Littlefinger almost choked at this revelation — the betrayal, justified yet entirely unexpected, lodging itself within his heart like the hilt of a poisoned knife, dread and fear suddenly spreading though his each and every sense like wildfire as a sole, yet revelatory, realisation dawned upon him.

His time was up.

"My sister asked you a question." Arya pressed, a ghost of a smile crossing her lips at his almost comically shocked expression.

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