Arc 4: Chapter 79

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Elenor could hear claps and someone speaking loudly.

"It must have started already..."

She needed to hurry. Before they take most of them up to the stage.

This time, there were way more eyes and people around them which made it harder for her to execute her plan. Elenor took in a deep breath calming herself down.

She was fine. She can do it. She wasn't the only one here.

Elenor glanced at Michael who was waiting for her signal. She shook her head.

She had to wait a while longer.

"Bring that one up first." one of the workers said, pointing at a figure curled at the corner.

Two workers walked towards the figure and carried it out to the stage. The figure was quiet yet it was a terrified look on their face as they were carried away.

"First one for tonight is a young child around the age of twelve!" the host announced cheerfully.

"Disgusting." Lloyd muttered under his breath while Alec had a dark look on his face but kept quiet.

The auction continued on until it was almost the end of the auction. Elenor was still in the cell with a few left. She was still waiting for the signal.

Alec checked the time on his pocket watch before leaning close to Lloyd's ear, "It's time your highness."

Lloyd smiled, "Finally, sitting here is making my butt ache already."

Lloyd closed one of his eye, his index and thumb finger pretending to hold the host's head as if he was about to squish it,


A loud explosion went off causing the whole place to shake. Loud screams and voices echoed around in panic. Surrounding the area were soldiers, letting nobody escape.

Elenor who heard the explosion turned to Michael and immediately nodded. She easily removed the ropes on her arms and legs before helping the others that were still with her in the cell.

"Hey you! What are yo-" Michael easily used his hand and chopped the back of the worker's neck causing him to faint.

Michael wasn't the only one helping as there were other guards disguised like him. With the workers being distracted, Elenor used this time to free the people in the cell before hurrying to the other side where the ones that had been sold were kept at.

"Not so fast!" a worker who managed to escape from Michael and the others blocked Elenor.

She grabbed his arm and turned him over before knocking him unconscious.

"Stupid." she stuck her tongue out at the unconscious figure before rushing to the other cell.

She knew they didn't have that much time so she hurriedly untied the ropes.

"Go straight and turn right, never look back and continue running!" Elenor shouted.

The victims nodded frantically before rushing out the way she told them. She sighed with relief when most, if not all had escaped.

"Michael! I'll head out first to see if Lloyd and Alec need help!" Elenor spoke before leaving quickly.

"Be careful Lady Elenor!!" Michael shouted as he continued handling all the kidnappers and workers.

Elenor rushed to find Lloyd and Alec when a figure bumped into her causing her to stumble on her feet.

Quickly she tried to catch them but they were too fast for her. She was only able to see their face as the mask they had used, fell to the ground due to bumping into her before they ran away.

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