Arc 3: Chapter 59

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"Milady what have you been thinking about?" Alec asked as he placed desserts in front of her.

Elenor snapped out of her thoughts and turned to him. Giving him a brief smile she picked up her pastry fork and began eating the dessert. In truth, she had been having dreams. Dreams of Elenor abusing him. 

It was vivid images of how it had been done. Those were nightmares to her, every morning she would wake up with goosebumps and cold sweat down to her spine.

She knew it wasn't her responsibility and that she shouldn't blame herself for what has happened in the past before she came into this body. Despite that, she still felt guilty for it. 

How could she not especially when she became the said person who did all of those deeds.

"Mi.." she could faintly hear someone speaking to her but she was too lost in her thoughts to notice the voice.

She could feel herself growing more tired as the days come. She already knew it was because of her dreams waking her up in the middle of the night and after that she wouldn't be able to sleep. 

A sigh nearly fell out of her lips when a thumb brushed over it.

Elenor physically jumped, startled by the contact. She gazed at who had touched her. Alec's face was closed to hers, dangerously close.

"Hyejin." he called out her name.

She could feel her heart beating against her ribcage. It sounded really loud and she hoped he wasn't able to hear how loud and fast her heart was. She gulped as she stared into his eyes. He rarely used her name but when he said it, it was soft and gentle. As if her name was a valuable treasure to him.

Her eyes fell on his lips. They were closing in slowly. Too lost in the moment, her eyes fluttered shut waiting for what was to come. Maybe it was fine giving in to him.

"Elenor!" a voice shouted for her name.

Instantly she gathered back her thoughts and snapped back to reality, quickly running away from Alec. She turned to who had called her.

"Isabella?" she puzzledly spoke.

"Yes now hurry up!"

"For what?"

Isabella sighed exasperatedly before stomping over to her, grabbing her hand and dragged her.

"Did you forget? You agreed to follow me to the capital today!" she grumbled, angry that Elenor had forgotten about their hangout today.

Elenor blinked before finally remembering that letter Isabella had sent to her asking her if she wanted to go out to the capital with her.

"Ah I remember now. Sorry," Elenor sheepishly said and smiled.

Isabella glared at her and said nothing until they got onto the carriage. Before they left, Isabella spoke and pointed outside.

"Are you not bringing your butler?" she questioned.

Elenor turned to look outside to see Alec only standing there, seeing her off and not getting on the carriage with her. She pressed her lips into a thin line before looking away.

"Not today. It will be you and I only."

"Huh, alright then let's go." she signalled the carriage to begin moving.

Elenor shot one last look at Alec who had a smirk on his face. She knew the reason for it and looked away.

"Hey why is your face so red?" Isabella pointed out, confused.

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