Arc 3: Chapter 58

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It was a sunny afternoon, people in town were moving here and about without catching one's breath. People were trying to live their lives and continue surviving until their very last breath. Some had more money than average while some didn't. But a population of people in the town had absolutely nothing. No money, food or shelter. Those were the beggars that slept and lived in the alleyways of the town.

Alec was familiar with this. He was one of them himself. He had to steal to live. Stealing pieces of bread or fruits without getting caught. He didn't care about money, he just needed food to continue living. His parents asked him for that. To live on even without them by his side. Continue living for him and his family. That was what kept him going and alive. If it wasn't for that, he would have been dead years ago.

Stealing of course wasn't the safest thing to do. If one gets caught they would be beaten up to death or almost at the brink of death. Due to this harsh environment, Alec learnt how to stealthily steal and run off before one could notice. Though he had been doing this for years, the adrenaline pumping through his veins never ceased to disappear.

It was when one day, he happened to be caught by the person who sold meat skewers. He had taken one silently but after not eating for days, he stumbled on his feet causing him to bump into some barrels nearby which brought attention onto him.

"You...!" the seller gritted his teeth angrily as he marched towards Alec, grabbing him by the collar.

Alec choked on air, unable to breathe because of how rough the seller had held him.

"So you're the pesky brat that kept stealing my food," he sneered before angrily throwing a punch at the 13 year old boy.

The seller kept punching and kicking him. Alec made wheezing sounds and painful groans but nobody cared. He could feel eyes on him yet nobody tried to help him. Only watching him helplessly get beaten up to a pulp by a man almost five times his size. It was only until he was slowly losing unconsciousness when the seller finally stopped and threw him aside.

"Worthless brat, don't you dare try stealing my food ever again!!"

Alec coughed out blood as he laid on the ground, unmoving. His body hurts, the pain was unbearable. He wished it would go away. He wished everything would disappear. What was he truly living for? His parents were now gone. Yet they asked, begged him to stay alive but slowly he began to wonder, was it truly worth living?

He was treated like a pest, a useless creature and nobody wanted him nor care. What was the use of breathing? Him leaving this planet would do good for everyone. His existence meant nothing to anyone.

'Please forgive me mother, father..' he weakly thought to himself as he felt his conscious leaving him.

Then he felt someone stepping on his hand before halting their footsteps.

"..What is this doing here?" a cold voice spoke.

It sounded like a young girl's voice, almost quite childlike yet it was so cold like winter. Alec tried to look up at who was speaking but he was once again kicked away by the person who had spoken.

"This is why I hate coming to places like these.." the young girl sneered, "I can't believe daddy brought me to such a disgusting place with disgusting people."

Alec didn't say anything. His body ached yet he wanted to see who was speaking so rudely in front of him. Holding in the groans of pain that nearly fell out of his lips, he finally raised his head. It was a young girl with cold sharp honey coloured eyes. Her hair that was coloured crimson red was up into two pigtails.

She looked frightening yet beautiful. Alec has never seen anyone with that hair colour before. It felt so different like a new light that shone upon him. The young girl noticed his gaze and looked down. She stared at him for a while before smiling. Alec felt like her smile was off but said nothing, only looking at her.

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