Chapter 7

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Still without emotion in my face, I looked at her and just simply said, "Vampire". Bella too without emotion repeated to me, 'Vampire'. I glanced to her computer, she had been reading about the cold ones. It seemed she had also must the pieces together. 

"the Cullens are vampires." I said 

"it appears that way" Bella responded. Me and Bella just sat there, we had no idea what to say to each other. We were literally speechless. One would always think that is a figure of speech, but I can now say from experience, its not always that way. After over an hour of just sitting there, Bella got up without saying anything. She came and sat next to me. We didn't look at each other, but both lied back on my small bed. We just starred up at the ceiling for a while.

"are you scared?" Bella asked eventually, but still without looking at me.

"Indeed I am scared, but they are not what frightens me. I am just, scared."

"I feel the exact same way." she responded. 

I suppose I must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke up in the middle of the night. When I woke up I saw a figure standing in my room. I was about to scream, but then he took a step forward and I could see who it was. It was Edward Cullen.

"come take a walk with me" he said reaching out his hand. he spoke so quietly I didn't even know how I could hear him. 

"Its two in the morning??" he didn't say anything, only he took a step closer, still reaching out his hand for me to grab it, and so I did. We crept down the stairs and quietly towards the door. He reached around me and grabbed a jacket for me to wear. It gave my butterflies, I saw what Bella saw right then. He held the door for me to go outside, and I did so as I put on the jacket he had handed me. It was embarrassing though because he grabbed me one of Bella's jackets, and it was too small. I was one of those people who wasn't fat but was most certainly not skinny. He saw me struggling and I felt my face turn red. He noticed it didn't fit. Without saying anything he grabbed it from me and took off his Jacket and handed it to me. I had though my face was red before, I couldn't even imagine it now. But sure enough he noticed. He let out a soft little chuckle. After I had put on his jacket, we continued to walk, he didn't say anything so I did,

"So tell me, why were you wearing a jacket anyways?"

"What do you mean?"

"well if you are a 'cold one' and you are like dead or whatever, do you really need a jacket?" 

"Well you just said it yourself, I'm cold, so why would I not need a jacket" he said with a little chuckle.

"don't make everything so literal"

"sorry" he said to me, but clearly he was not.


"what" he asked, sounding actually confused. 

"you woke me up at 2am, why?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"well go ahead"

"I-I uhm, well you know now. You know what I am."

"So does Bella, why didn't you wake her up, we have never even talked before"

"I am not sure, but I wanted to check in with you. Anyhow I sure Bella told you I can also read minds bu-"

"uhm no she didn't??" 

"oh uhm oops-" he looked to awkward all of a sudden.

"what am I thinking right now then?" He paused after that for a minute and then chuckled

"I am not sure you want me to tell you"

"oh shut up, tell me"

"you are thinking about how hot I look right now."

"Oh shit" My face turned redder than ever, but he just watched me chuckling.

After a little while he said to me, "the thing is, I cannot read Bella's mind"

"why do you think that is?"

"I really am not sure, it is quite upsetting."

the conversation was slowing down, and it was my fault, I was just so entirely sleepy, and before I new it I was back in bed and the sun had risen.

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