Chapter 3 - Slut isn't my style

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Denton picks me up after Pre Calc and walks with me to lunch, he is talking my ear off a mile a minute. He tells me about how much cooler this school is than our old one. How the schools budget is bigger, so the sports teams are more supplied. How we don't have to wear the annoying uniforms, purple and yellow are so not his colors. Then about how much more diverse it is here, all types of people. Even though it's still New Jersey, even though it's only thirty minutes away from our  old town, it's so different here. He tells me the air seems cleaner and the people are nicer, that he doesn't have to worry about anyone stealing his car. He laughs at that.

Denton sometimes forgets that he was never home anyway, that there was no chance of someone stealing his car when he would never keep it parked on our street long enough. Ever since he could drive he would leave town and come here, apparently his best friend lives in this town so he basically moved here. With mom not around anymore and David not really caring what he does, Denton hasn't actually slept in his room in months.

I think by telling me all this, he is just trying to comfort me, to tell me that living here will be better for me. Better then living in the ghetto, or at least that's what he called our old town.

He pulls me to a table full of unfamiliar faces and sits me down next to him. All eyes are on me and Denton just smiles like a goof. He snaps his fingers and they all turn to him. Wow, some effect he has.

"Hey guys, I guess you're all wondering whom this pretty little thing is." He winks at me before turning back to his friends. "This is my little sister, Roni, treat her kindly. And No Martin, you cannot touch her. I will break your fingers."

I watch as the ginger from my Environmental studies class gives Denton a sly smirk before blushing and sinking down under the table in embarrassment. Others around start to giggle, or in the guys case, chuckle. I just find myself blushing like crazy. I am not really one for attention, and apparently that's all Denton brings.


I turn around and see Cassadee and Alek, both staring at me wide-eyed while holding their plates. Denton looks over at my two friends and seems to give them both a once over. I hear a girl next to me click her tounge, obviously not liking the company of my friends. I look over at Denton who is looking at me with eyes saying 'you-know-them?'

I sigh, I guess all Kings have problems with the 'little people'. I stand up and walk over to my friends.

"Sorry, Denton." I shrug. "I promised them I'd sit at their table for lunch, that's okay, right?"

"You'd rather sit with them?" The girl who clicked her tounge asks, rolling her eyes. "Sophomores? When you can sit with Seniors?"

"Well...I am a Sophomore."

"Not technically." Martin perks up, staring at me with a cheesy grin. "You're in Junior classes too, so that makes you more undefined. Undefined is cool."

"This is a little wierd." I admit, shaking my head and laughing quietly. "I'll see you later, bro."

I walk off with Cassadee and Alek who are still staring at me as if they were star-struck. They sit at a small table in the corner of the room and they don't even touch their food. I can't take it, I let out a little giggle.

"Okay, close your mouths. You're gunna' catch flies!" I say, covering my mouth.

"Shut up!" Cassadee says, slapping my arm and smiling. "I knew he was your brother, but I had no idea you actually got along! I mean, enough to sit with them!"

"I don't get what you're going on about. Isn't sitting with your sibling at lunch normal?" I ask confused. I reach over and steal a fry from Alek's plate and he glares at me.

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