Chapter 10 - Don't touch me!

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I pick at my tuna sandwich for about ten minutes, before I finally decide that I'm not actually hungry and that I really don't even like tuna at all. Cassadee looks at me as if I'm crazy as I dump my full lunch into the already over-stuffed garbage.

"You okay?" She asks when I sit back down. I think about it for a second, am I okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie. "Just a little tired I guess. Just want this day to end so I can go to sleep."

"Well, as long as your not tired tomorrow." Alek says, chewing on his Italian sub. I look at him questionably.


"Because you start work at the restaurant tomorrow." Alek says, rolling his eyes as if it was obvious. He turns to Cass. "You didn't tell her?"

"Totally slipped my mind." Cassadee admits with a shrug of her shoulders. She flips her perfectly blond hair and starts to nibble, and yes I do mean nibble, on her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Alek looks at her as if she is the cutest thing in the world, and everytime she looks over at him he quickly looks away. It happens at least five times until I can't take it anymore. I slam my hand on the table, causing them to both look at me.

"Jesus." I shake my head and let out a laugh. "Alek, just put me out of my misery and ask the woman out!"

Alek's face drains of all color, I guess the color he lost, Cass found - because her face turns bright pink and her eyes widen. She looks down at her fingers, which are intertwined ontop of the table. She looks kind of like a little kid in elementary school. She doesn't try to catch a peak at Alek, who is now staring at his half-eaten sandwich. I place my let my head fall into the table and continue to hit my forehead against the table. These two are too cute, but totally oblivious. They have never been shy, not until this very moment. One of them need to man up and say it, or else I will be asking Cass out for him.

..."Cassadee?" Alek finally speaks up, causing for not only my head to snap in his direction, but Cassadee's too. The expression on her face tells me she wasn't actually expecting him to talk again.

"Yes?" She squeaks out, I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at her.

"I know we skipped a few steps in this whole thing." Alek sighs and looks into her eyes, he holds out his hand and takes hers. He interlocks their fingers as he speaks. "But, I was wondering if you would maybe go out on a real date with me? And, maybe consider..."

"Consider?" Cass asks, her face turning even pinker, if that is even possible.

"Consider letting me call you my girlfriend." Alek finishes, biting his lip with such force it looks as if it would start bleeding any second now.

"Well.." Cass looks at me, and then back at Alek. Her face is somber, which makes Alek try to pull his hands away - because it looks as if he has been rejected. "I kind of would like you to call me your girlfriend now." She giggles, letting her little act drop.

"Oh," Alek sighs sadly, but then his eyes widen. "Wait, really?!"

Cass nods and smiles, Alek pulls her in to what looks like a kiss. But from where I'm sitting, it looks more like Alek is trying to eat her face.

"Alek Zolt's girlfriend." She says as they finally pull back for air. "I like the sound of that."

"Maybe one day you can even be called Alek Zolt's wife." Alek says with a little wink, but then his cool guy persona slips away and his shy guy personality comes back and he is full on blushing.

Cassadee blushes too, and goes in for another kiss. But I guess she catches my eye and stops herself. I'm smiling like the Chesire cat - and I guess until right now, she forgot I was even here.

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