Chapter 15 - Any color but Pink

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Now that my wrist is all better, Mr.Mace insists that I start playing my Violin more seriously. Apparently we have a fall concert coming up and I need to be in tip-top shape. He also tells me that everyone has to do a solo, and that they have been practicing their songs since the beginning of the school year, so I am far behind. Perfect.

The concert will the on the day after the HomeComing dance, which is on a Saturday. There is a ticket price of four dollars, that I don't have to pay since I'm preforming. Mr. Mace says the money we get will be going into the savings for our band trip at the end of the year. He wants to get enough money so we can go to the band competition in Florida, in the town next to Disney Land. We would be able to go to Disney Land. How awesome is that?

I was excited, until he told me I would be preforming more than once. Not only do I have to preform my Violin solo - and play with the rest of the band in a different act. But he also wants me and to preform a song on my piano.I have to sing too, and that this act will be the last one before the curtains fall. I tried to get out of it, telling him I'd rather not sing, but he insists. He wont take no for an answer and even threatens my grade if I don't agree. I mean, who does that?

Roxas thinks its a good idea and is currently laughing at my misfortune. I glare at him and stomp my foot. He doesn't have two solo acts and he is a guitarist. He is an important factor to this little 'band'. Oh, I am going to get him back for this.

"Oh, by the way -Roxas." I smile slyly and sit next to him, trying to put on an innocent face.

"Yeah?" He chuckles, turning to me with a happy look on his face.

"You need to get a pink tie to wear to the homecoming dance." I tell him, looking at my nails. I peak over and watch his smile fall and he looks at me like i'm crazy. Pink is defiantly not one of my favorite colors, and I know that it's not Roxas' either. I mean the boy is always wearing black and grey. He has a punk look going on about him.

"Pink?" He coughs awkwardly. "Are you sure, that it needs to be pink?" He looks so disgusted just to say the word 'pink'. I smile, and nod at him.

"Pink." I confirm.

"B-but..." He shakes his head and gives me a desperate expression. "I've never even seen you wear pink."

"Just because I haven't, doesn't mean I wont."

"Please, any color but pink. How about blue?" He pleads "Blue can be a pretty color."

"Nope." I smirk. "I like the idea of you in a pink tie. It will be manly. Maybe you can wear a white suit to go with it?"

"You're doing this as payback for laughing at me, aren't you?" He glares at me. "I'm not wearing pink."

"You wanted to go to the dance with me," I frown. "Now you won't stick to it?"

His eyes widen, the way I worded it must have made him think I'm second guessing being his date. I watch as he gets a little frantic.

"Okay!" He throws up his arms. "I'll wear a stupid, pink tie!"

I do the happy dance inside my head, but on the outside I just hug Roxas. Score. I have the talent of persuasion, I should use it more often. I'm pretty cunning.

Once the bell rings, Roxas and I make our way out to his bike. He is giving me a ride home because Denton has practice for the homecoming game. He hands me my helmet, one that he bought for my sake, because I kept nagging at him about only having one. I ride with him alot and up until a few days ago, whenever I rode with him - he would give me his helmet and he would ride without one. That isn't safe, so I told him I'm not riding with him until he has an extra. I'm glad he decided to get it, I actually like riding with him.

He drops me off at my house, but doesn't ask to come in like he usually does. He just smiles and hugs me before leaving. He probably wants to give me some space so I'm ready for tomorrow, for when I have to face the monster in court.

I guess he doesn't realize that I would much rather be with someone in this time. I don't stop him, how could I? I'm not just going to come out and say, stay with me. I need you. I don't want you to go. I love you.

Defiantly not that last one.

I sigh, deciding that maybe I should plan out what songs I will be playing for the concert. It will take my mind off things, for now.

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