Part 1

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There was a rumor circulating amongst the hogwarts gossipers. One saying that a handsome young man who looked exactly like the mix of two rivals roamed the halls of hogwarts in the night.

Few people have seem him, but one things for sure. He is NOT a ghost.

His complexion is too tan to be one. And he doesn't glow like the bloody Barron or nearly headless Nick.

He just roams the halls, hands in his muggle jeans and his lips eliciting a quiet whistle.

He wasnt creepy or unapproachable either. He was easy to talk to and honestly quite interesting.

But of course like most things, severus was oblivious to it all.

He was quiet, kept to himself and only ever allowed lily or regulus to talk to him and regulus wasnt even really a friend, a mere acquaintance.

He sat secluded from the other slytherins. Ever since lily and him got over their little bump in 5th year, they stopped talking him.

Not like severus cared. He never liked the bunch. They only hung out with him for his schoolwork and even then they weren't nice about it either.

But severus was content. He was content having lily as his friend and no one else because honestly lily was much more than he deserved.

His train of thought was interrupted by a tapping on his shoulder.

He looked up from his desk at the library and saw lily looming over him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.

" hi." She smiled.

He smiled back and hummed a response, lily taking the seat in front of him.

She set her book down and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table excitedly.

" so? Did you hear the rumors?"

" rumors?" Severus asked without looking up from his essay.

" yeah. Apparently there is a handsome man walking the halls of hogwarts. And nobody has ever seem him before."

" maybe hes an exchange student."

" too old to be one."

" maybe a teacher?"

" too young."

" then an apprentice, i dont know lily whats it got to do with me?" Severus exasperated.

Lily smirked and rolled her eyes.

" god, your no fun."

" i know lily. All of hogwarts knows, you sure you didn't get the memo?" Severus said sarcastically.

" hey! No self deprivation on my watch! Even as a joke. We talked about this." She pointed her finger at him accusatorially.

" fine fine. Tell me more about this mystery man then."  He waved his hand in a vague gesture.

She smiled brightly and nodded. So lily told him everything they knew about him.

From his peculiar clothes to his black shaggy hair, she told him everything.

It wasnt until they library lights dimmed when they realized they had been sitting there well over curfew.

" oh. Gues we should get going." Lily said disappointedly.

" yeah. Lets go-"

There was a loud thud behind him, severus whipping around and pointing his wand defensively.

" shit." Someone cursed.

Lily held up her wand too, a step back from severus.

" who's there? Show yourself!" Severus' voice boomed.

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