Part 6

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This fucking sucked.

Severus was forced to feed the thestrals after school with james, one of the many nights of detention they received.

He grimaced at the touch of the raw meat in his hands and fed it to the almost skeleton like half horse half bird figures.

He didn't know why they were given this task. Its not like James could even see the thestrals. He was just holding up the meat aimlessly and trying not to get bit.

Honestly he was more of a hassle than help.

" ah! It licked me!" James yelled, dropping the meat on the ground and wiping his hands on his robes.

Dropping the meat didnt stop the thestral from picking it up and eating it though, severus snickering at james' flustered state.

" oh please. Why'd he even send you with me. You're of no help. Cant even see what you're feeding." Severus threw a rather small piece at a baby thestral, the creature catching it triumphantly in its beak.

" oh like you can?"

" yeah. Thats how im feeding them correctly and not freaking out like you are." Severus walked to where his bag was.

He had set a towel there and washed off his hands with it, wiping the blood off and setting the now dirty towel in a bag.

" you serious?" James asked.

" um yeah?"

" wha- cant you only see them if you saw someone die in front of you?" James asked earnestly.

Severus stopped to think about it.

" uh yeah. Hm. Strange. I dont remember why i started seeing them. Although it might be from that one accident." Severus shrugged.

" what accident?"

" really potter i dont feel like hashing out all my trauma with you in detention."

" and why not? We still have an hour left here and i trust you fed all of the thestrals yes?" James sat down next to him on the fallen log.

" yeah i did. They're retreating now." He looked out to them as the herd of skinny creatures started to walk away back to their resting ground.

Nobody knows where it is. Whenever it's feeding time they wait until the thestrals get attracted by the smell of blood and then let them go once its done.

" cool. Then lets talk." James swung his leg over the log so that he was practically straddling it.

Severus rolled his eyes and did the same, both of them looking towards each other.

" ok why are we doing this?" Severus asked, tilting his head to the side.

It was starting to become dusk, the sun setting and painting the sky above the forest orange.

They were fairly close to the castle, just along the edge of the forbidden forest. Deep enough to attract the thestrals easily but not deep enough to cause a threat to them.

" come on! We have a kid together. Who knows, maybe this is a pivotal moment in our relationship." James imitated severus.

" how are you so ok with this? A week ago you hated me and now you've completely accepted that we have a son in the future." Severus said blankly.

James shrugged and picked at the grass beside him.

" well when the future is standing right in front of you, who are you to tell it to go away right?" James said softly.

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