Part 5

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Ok maybe Harry following severus wasnt that bad. Sure he could be a snarky little asshole but he was his son and severus really couldn't blame him.

But one thing was clear, he was like a student magnet.

Students from all years would be all over him, asking him stupid questions like ' will there be flying cars in the future.'

They were wizards! They could just MAKE a flying car. It didn't take a genius to learn wringardium leviosa.

" ok this is getting out of hand." Severus grabbed harry's arm and took him away from the crowd of 5th years shrouding around him.

" wha- where are we going?" Harry asked.

Severus brought a finger to his lips and made a ' shhh' sound, telling him to be quiet.

He led them to the restricted section where no students were most of the time and sighed in relief.

" if i have to witness you give another half assed answer to a stupid 5th year im going to burn myself." Severus explained to the confused look on harry's face and proceeded to look through the books.

He ran his fingers across the spines of the dusty books that lined the shelves until finally settling on a book he found interesting.

He took it from its place, harry in a completely different row doing god knows what.

" hey watcha doin?"

Severus almost jumped out of his skin.

He flinched involuntarily, clutching the book to his chest as it felt like he had a mini heart attack.

" jesus. POTTER!" Severus yelled.

James snickered and smiled smugly.

" yeah?" Harry stuck his head out from one of the further shelves.

Severus sighed and face palmed.

" not you Harry, the other potter." Severus explained.

Harry made an 'o' face and nodded, returning back into the shelf out of sight.

Severus sighed and placed his attention on the younger potter. God that sounded weird.

" what are are you doing here?" Severus asked with disdain.

" what are YOU doing here?" James asked in return.

Severus slid the book back in place and walked past him.

" i got sick of people asking harry questions so i wanted to be somewhere with no people. Obviously i was not successful." Severus gestured to the menace.

James scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatically.

" oh please. It cant be THAT bad."

" a kid asked him if apples still taste the same as it does now. Yeah. It was bad." Severus countered.

James made a face but it left as quickly as it came.

" anyway. What are you doing in the restricted section? Here to torment one of the ghosts?" Severus asked.

James huffed and shook his head slowly.

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