8. Trigger

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Aron drives the car at a chill tempo with the windows down. I stare at the road.

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" Aron asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You were there. You know what happened."

He rolls his eyes. "That's not what I meant. I meant.. why? Did I do something wrong?" He frowns.

He seems to feel really bad about what happened.

"No, it's not your fault. Don't worry about it."

"I do worry about it. Seeing as I seem to be the one who caused it."

"Please, don't flatter yourself. This happens all the time." I lie.

"Really?" He looks at me for a moment.

For some reason it's hard to lie with his burning eyes on me.

I look out the window again.

"Thought so. So tell me."

"Can't you just let it go?"


I sigh.

"Pull over." I say.

He looks at me for a moment before pulling over. We're parked at the side of the road right next to the beach.

He looks at me expectantly.

I take off my seat belt and get on top of him.


"Shut up." I say as I adjust his car seat so it's horizontal.

If he won't shut up, I'll shut him up. Whatever just happened was a fluke. It won't happen again. I'm still normal. I'm still me. This is what I do.

I kiss him aggressively while he just lays there, confused.

Whatever. I can do this. He won't be confused for a long.

I start undoing his belt.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?"

I don't respond. I just concentrate on my hands.. on his belt.

Out of nowhere I see those disturbing images again. My hands start to shake.

What the hell is going on?!

I sit there frozen, staring at my hands  and no matter how much I try to snap out of it.. I can't. 

Aron sits up and gently takes my hands off his belt. Then he just holds them.

The setting sun shines into his golden eyes as he gives me an earnest look.

"I'll stop asking, okay? You can tell me when you're ready." He caresses my hands.

I just nod while I avoid his gaze.


Aron slams the car door behind him. We're in front of my apartment building.

"How are you gonna get home?" I ask.

"I guess I'll take the bus to Shawn's and then grab my car." He shrugs.

I nod as I look down at my shoes. It's so awkward being around this guy. I had a fucking breakdown in front of him TWICE now. He has seen a side of me I thought no longer existed.

I hoped it no longer existed.

"Well, I should get going.. Call me if you need anything okay?" Aron's brown eyes light up gold in the setting sun. My breath gets caught in my throat for a moment.

He turns around to walk away.

"I don't have your number." I sigh, trying to sound like I don't care.

"Yes you do. I snuck it into your phone when you weren't looking." He says over his shoulder before walking away.


I reach into my phone to check. Then I see a contact name I'm unfamiliar with.


I try not to vomit.

I look up and Aron is walking smugly, I'm sure, into the sunset.

"You're disgusting!" I yell.

He just keeps walking. I can tell he's grinning.


Daddy: Where have u been? You haven't been at school in three days.


Daddy:  Hello?! U alive?


Daddy: Princess?


Block User.

Can't the guy just take a hint? I throw my phone on the chair at the other side of the room and fall down on the bed.

I don't ever wanna go to school again. I can't take seeing the guys. They've been flooding my inbox too. After the whole fiasco at Shawn's house, I made everyone promise not to tell a soul. Now I even have a message from Loren asking if I'm alright. What happened to hating me?

I just wanna die. I thought it was all over. I changed schools, became popular and did every single thing they say you need to do to be happy. And for a little while, it worked. I've been doing fine these past couple of years. Sort of. At least I could sort of keep it together. Why then, so suddenly... It's because of Aron. Something about him just triggers me. So he has to go. No more Aron.

Ghosts Of The Past [BoyxBoy] ✓Where stories live. Discover now