45. Rose

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I kiss Sky's neck and he moans in my ear. Not a long time later he begins to touch my crotch on my underwear like it's necessary to turn me on. We passed that ship a long time ago. 

I pull my underwear off and so does he. 

I make sure to watch his face as I go inside. It's pleasure. An extreme level of pleasure I haven't seen from Sky before. 

His voice is so fucking beautiful. I enjoy every breath, every moan, trying to hold on to my release as long as possible.

Too quickly, it's over and I let go.

He squeezes my arms just like he did the first time. But I make sure to check with him all the way through. He doesn't look scared. He looks satisfied. 

I pull away and lay next to him. 

I stare at him. And unlike last time, he's staring at me too. 

"Jesus." He breathes. His cheeks are all red and his eyes look super bright. 

I take it he liked it then. I smile. He smiles back.

Then we suddenly hear the front door open. 

"Sky?" A female voice calls. 

"Shit, it's my mom." He whispers as he shoots up from the bed and gets dressed. 

I do the same. 

"Don't come in, mom. I'm changing!" He yells. 

"What?!" His mom yells back. 

"Sweetie, Sofia's here, remember?" 

I immediately think of my sister. Sofia? Who is..

"Really?" He sounds super happy. 

When he's changed he bolts through the door. 

I hear a strange laugh from the living room. 

I frown as I open the door. It sounds like.. 

A baby. 

As I walk into the room I see Sky holding a baby that looks like a doll. Her skin's fair like his, her hair's super light blonde, even lighter than his and her eyes are an overwhelming blue. 

I was wrong... Piano isn't what changed him. This baby is.

"Hey, sweetie." He says softly. He kisses the baby's nose bridge. 

"I missed you." He smiles. 

The baby makes some kind of squeal.

I just stand there frozen. That's Sky's baby. His daughter. 

After a while Sky finally looks up and notices me. He looks kind of guilty. 

"Um.. this is Rose.. Rosalie." He says, carefully. 

I come closer and as I look at her it's even more clear to me that she's an exact copy of Sky. Just a girl version. 

Her clothes are probably Loren. She's wearing a light pink dress with lots of frills and a matching headband with matching little shoes. 

I can't stop staring at her. 

Then I remember what Sky's mom called her. 

"What did you call her?" I ask quietly, confused. 

Sky's mom looks at him. 

"Um.. Loren picked out Rose's first name. I picked her second.. I called her Sofia." His eyes look cautious. He's gauging my response. 

My eyes shoot back to her. The little princess. I smile as my eyes tear up. She does remind me of my sister. 

I can't believe Sky named his daughter after my sister. 

I sniff and wipe away a single tear. 

Sky comes closer. 

"Do you want to hold her?" He asks. 

She looks so good in his arms. Like they belong together. It's like she's a missing piece that finally made his life complete. He just looks so happy. 

But I do want to hold her. I want to look at her more. I wonder how such a miracle is possible. 

I nod and hold out my arms. 

Sky lays her in my arms carefully. 

I look at her wondrously and she does the same. Her eyes are huge. She got that from Loren. But her nose, her eye color.. 

She smiles bright. 

Her smile. 

She looks just like Sky. 

It's not fair. It seems all the beauty in the world just go to Sky and his offspring. 

I chuckle at that. 

Sky smiles too. He seems really happy now that I'm holding her. 

"Hi Rose." I smile. 

She smiles back and reaches out to me.

I laugh and grab her tiny little hand. She squeezes my finger surprisingly hard. 

"Damn." I look up. 

Sky chuckles. "Yeah, she's strong." 

"She got that from her dad." I say immediately. I can't help myself. 

"How's Loren? When did she.. How old is—" 

"Those are a lot of questions." Sky's mom interrupts. "How about you stay for dinner and we'll tell you all about it." She smiles kindly. 

She seems to have gone through a metamorphosis too. She seems so together now. Not so scattered like before. 

"Yes, mam." I answer politely. 

She pulls a disgusted face. "Please don't call me mam. God, I'm only 34!"

I'm a little shocked. "Really? Then you had him at—"

"Seventeen. Yes." She smiles. "Best miracle ever." She smiles at Sky proudly. 

He blushes and looks away. 

I smile at them.

He still can't take a compliment. That hasn't changed. 

"Now, Aron why don't you help me in the kitchen and Sky can set the table."

"Yes, mam." I answer without thinking. 

She sighs. "Call me Lisa."

I smile. "Right, Lisa."


Dinner was amazing. They told me all about Loren's pregnancy. How hard it was. There were many complications and Rosalie was born early as a result. In the end she was completely healthy so all was well in that department. But apparently Loren was a nightmare throughout her pregnancy. She was constantly crying or screaming. Mostly at Sky. His mom said he took it well though. It'd seemed the experience turned him into a real man. He stayed by Loren's side even through the worst of times and they worked out their issues. They're co parents now. They don't fight. They're on good terms.. but they're not dating. I was really happy hearing that. 

Sky's happily single. He says as long as he has his daughter he'll be happy. His daughter.. God, his daughter.. I can't believe Sky's got a kid now. But she's such a doll. I kind of thought I'd hate her since she's the result of Sky's cheating on me but.. it's impossible to hate that girl. She's so calm yet happy. Again, much like her dad now. 

It worried me a bit when Sky said he's happily single. But I'm not worried anymore. I'll get him back. Even if it's the last thing I do. 

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