Chapter 9 - Y/n's Career EXPOSED!

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Y/n = Your Name

(h/c) = Hair Color

(h/l) = Hair Length

(f/c) = Favourite Color

(e/c) = Eye Color

3rd Pov

Long story short, Ava made a compromise with the Daemos. She would take them out to explore the next day if they let her take pictures of them. She promised that she wouldn't make any exceptions or excuses and that she would answer any of their questions. She also said, with a heavy blush, that she and Y/n (with her consent, might I add) would help them into their human clothes. Asch being Asch thought that Ava was giving in to their reign. Ava thought that that would be a bad idea on second thought but... She had already given her word so she had to go along with it.

So it was decided, Ava and Y/n would take the Daemos out to see the world 'upon the rising of the next sun' in Asch's words. Unfortunately for Ava, she got caught in a challenge as a prize. Between Leif and Asch, whoever got the most likes, had the honor to kill her. Since Y/n wasn't here, she was disregarded. Not only because of that but because Y/n seemed like a very strong sorceress that they didn't want to mess with until they knew her weaknesses. And so the photoshoot had begun.

After a long and unique photoshoot, Ava was more than overjoyed.

"I have 2337 followers now," Ava said flabbergasted, "This is insane! This is almost too much. Am I ready to wield this kind of power? This kind of responsibility."

"Enough talk," Asch interrupted, "What is the number of human likes for myself against Leif?"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot," Ava said, quickly scrolling through pictures and calculating the likes, "Whoa, it looks like Asch is ahead of Leif by... Wow, quite a bit... Most of the likes seem to be from the photo of Asch and Y/n."

"As expected," Asch flaunted.

"What? No way!" Leif complained.

"Looks like the honor of Ava's life is mine, Leif. Don't worry, you jus-," Asch started but stopped himself when he saw Leif throwing Ava over his shoulder, earning gasps from the other Daemos.

"This contest isn't over, Asch, and I'm gonna make sure I win," Leif announced before jumping out of the window and onto the pavement. The children that were down there got so scared that they ran off in different directions. Leif dashed to the park, not caring that some humans had seen him.

Asch walked up to the window, "Leif, how dare he!" Asch was about to jump out the window and follow Leif but was stopped by his royal adviser, Rhys.

"Your Majesty, don't!"

"Why not?" Asch asked infuriated.

"Didn't you see how those humans reacted? If we jump, we'll just alert them to our presence," Rhys reasoned.

"Then what do we do?" Pierce asked.

"Last time I went out, Y/n used her magic box. Follow me," Rhys informed, taking off into the corridors of the apartment building and standing in the elevator with his comrades by his side.

"What is this?" Asch asked.

"This is Y/n's A-la-va-tor," Rhys explained, "It can take us to the exit."

"Wow! How does it work?" Noi asked extremely intrigued.

"Simple, you push a button and it takes you where you want to go," Rhys explained again.

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now