Chapter 21 - Glad to be back...

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3rd POV

Why..? Why? Why? It made no sense. How could she move on with her days? Was she just supposed to walk around with this information for the rest of her life? What was her introductory line going to be?

'Hi! My name is Y/n and I am a secret Daemos princess from another dimension but I had no idea until recently! ' ?

Y/n just continued to sit there, head in her lap, not knowing what to do. Or if she should do anything. Everything was rushing at her way too quickly. What would Ava do if she found out?


"AVA!" Y/n yelled, her head snapping up sharply. "Shit! Oh my Irene! I forgot she had a terrible sickness! Shit, shit, shit!" She slipped out of her apartment and made a mad-dash to Ava's apartment, sliding down the staircase-railing to save time. As she approached the door, she reared her leg up ready to kick it open.


And the door was opened. "Where's Ava?! Is she alright?!" Y/n asked, making her way to the main living space that was conjoined to the kitchen. "I was out on some errands and-" Y/n's words seemed to escape her as she scanned the space, stopping as her eyes landed on a particular Daemos.

It was Rhys. But... did he get more handsome? His dark brown hair was somewhat disarranged, as if he had been in a panicked state recently, but it framed his face so well. His white dress shirt hugged his body underneath his navy vest which was untucked at a part of his waist, hiding away a part of his pearly-white belt with a gold buckle.

But what drew Y/n's attention was on his face. Atop his nose was a pair of glasses. They were almost squared, kind of like trapeziums really, and had a black rim. Sure, they were definitely old-lady glasses but he seemed to suit them so well. Y/n stepped closer to Rhys, who was oblivious to her presence as he was mixing away at something. Peering around Rhys, she saw he was mixing something. Unsure what it was and feeling the need to disregard it, she returned her focus to Rhys' newly adorned accessories.

His sapphire eyes shimmered with a joy that only a child on Halloween would have when receiving a large chocolate bar or when receiving their dream present on Christmas day. His youthful joy reflected through to Y/n's eyes as she felt the corners of her mouth turn up at the Daemos' joy at something that was so simple. She admired that about Rhys: his will, desire and optimism to try and learn something new. It's what drew her to him... That and his vast intellect.

"She's getting better, dear!" Y/n and Rhys jumped, turning to the source of the voice. It was Mrs. Oats. And she was smirking, while eyeing the girl. Y/n felt her face heat up as she could feel two pairs of eyes piercing her very being: one teasing her, the other curious as to her absence and her wellbeing.

Clearing her throat, Y/n began to speak, hoping to divert the attention to something else. "T-that's good! Have the boys been helping?" Y/n looked through the corner of her eye to see Rhys smiling at her.

"Yes, yes! They have been very helpful," Mrs. Oats reassured, reducing her smirk to a comforting smile.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "I guess, Ava and I should reward them with something at some point..." Y/n though out loud, causing Rhys to smile even brighter at the thought of getting ice cream as a reward for working hard. Rhys returned to his task, determined to impress Y/n with his skills.

"I'm sure you and Ava will give the boys a reward they will enjoy~" Mrs. Oats teased, winking and hinting at an extremely... sensual reward. Y/n's face bloomed a raging red colour as she whined into her hands, her hands futilely hiding her flushed face. "She's awake, you know? You can go see her if you'd like?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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