Chapter 19 - Golden hour? More like Panic Hour!

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3rd POV

Y/n woke up. As she always did. She stretched, sitting up in bed as her sheets pooled at her waist. Her arms fell to her lap as she stared at her hands.

She flexed and relaxed her hands as her eyes traced the lines across her palms. She thought back to the painting she saw. She thought back to the vision she witnessed. 'Why did that happen? Why did I feel like I was meant to be there? Could that have been me?' These questions flooded her mind as she squinted.

She shook her head and clenched her fist. "Why am I thinking about this so early in the god damn morning?" Y/n complained as she facepalmed, leaving her hand in contact with her face. Slowly, she dragged her hand down her face, stretching her skin in a horrific way before it bounced back to its original place. She kicked her sheets off, tossed her feet off the edge of the bed before finally getting up to brush their teeth.

The girl hadn't even bothered to look at her reflection in the mirror that morning, finding her feet more interesting. Once done, she strutted her way to the living room. Pulling out her laptop, the girl began to slave away, thinking of an idea for a song.

After hours of pondering, Y/n groaned, so close to just banging her head against the wall. But before she could get up and do that, a thought rushed through her head. Or rather, various thoughts.

She thought of the times she spent with the Daemos. The times she spent teaching them, encouraging them, threatening them. She thought of the dreams and visions she's had of Daemos that looked so familiar to her. She chuckled lightly. Each thought hit her heart in a way she couldn't explain. It made her feel...


Bang! That's when it hit her. Her eyes widened and a great smile broke across her lips, her eyes sparkling (e/c) with stars of gold in them. She knew what her song would be about.

Grabbing her laptop, she swiftly pulled the device into her lap as she titled the piece 'Golden Hour'. Whatever came to mind, she typed. Soon she was left with beautiful lyrics. Walking over to her keyboard, she folded her laptop, placing it on the connected sheet-music stand.

'Now, a melody.' Y/n mentally said, taking her seat, 'Which is the easiest part of making a song.' She sarcastically thought, fingers messing about with the keyboard settings and keys to initiate the right mood for her song.

After hours of experimenting, she came up empty-handed. "Ugh! This is hopeless!" She moaned, "What good is lyrics without the backing and melody to go with it?" Suddenly, a ringing sounded in front of her. She looked up and saw a zoom call. It was from her close friend, Jake, otherwise known as JVKE.

Quickly, she made sure that she didn't look like a mess before accepting the call. "Hey Jake!" She began.

"Hey Y/n!" He replied, smiling at the sight of his friend, "How are you? It's been a while since we've talked."

"Yeah, it has been! But, if I'm being honest, it hasn't been the most-" she started, but held her tongue. 'Should I tell him? What would he think if I just said that 5 guys live with my sisterly-friend Ava and they seem to be magical? He would call me crazy!' Y/n looked from side to side before deciding what to say.

She took a deep breath before saying, "It's been an entertaining time for me. But I am having trouble with this one thing." She raised her hand, holding up 1 finger.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"I'm trying to come up with a new song. I have the lyrics but I can't - no matter how hard I try - come up with a melody for it!"

"I see. Share it with me; I might be able to think of something." Jake volunteered. Y/n nodded, sharing the lyrics between herself and Jake. He scanned the lyrics before nodding in approval. "This is some great lyrics, (N/n)." Y/n muttered a 'thank you', hiding her face from her friend as she blushed from embarrassment.

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