Chapter 31

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I didn't have a chance to run, duck, blink, think or anything.

He fired the revolver, and the bullet shot straight through me almost. I gasped, this hurt worst than anything.

“I gotta do it.” Vincent said firing again. I put my hands to my bullet wounds, and blood was just pouring out of me. I collapsed on to the dirty grungy floor.

“I'm so sorry Kaliya.” Vincent said shooting me again.

He shot me in my chest, my side and my shoulder. Blood was just pouring out of me. I felt my lungs filling with my own blood. I was drowning in my own blood.

I felt the hot metal bullets just burning through my flesh. This hurts.

With every breathe it became harder and harder to breath. I heard Camden and he was screaming at the top of his lungs.

I heard the cabin door slam, I guess Vincent left me. He left me here to die. I slid on my own blood towards Camden, I leaned against the couch, and reached for him but I simply didn't have the strength. My whole life flashed before my eyes.

I thought of my children. The only thing I could think of was that day at the beach. When they were splashing in the water, and everybody was smiling, everyone was so happy. I remember their smiles, and I remember how carefree, and happy they truly were, and it was enough for me to smile as I slowly slipped away.


I was doing one-twenty on the highway all the home. It all started when I was closing a show. Once I finished the show, I decided to call Kaliya. I got nervous when it went straight to voice mail. I think called the house phone, and it said the line was disconnected. I got really nervous then. I tried to remain calm. Then my phone rang out, and it was Karlie. She told me that Kaliya was not home when they got home. She said the house was wrecked. Pictures that were on the wall, were now shattered on the floor, and Kaliya's cell phone was smashed to smithereens, and the house phone was snatched out the wall.

 My heart dropped. I instantly began to fear for the worst. Karlie told me that the neighbor's had them, and had already called the cops. I told her to stay put, I'd be there as soon as I can. I never felt so bad, so fast. Everything just happened so fast. I was worried sick about Kaliya. Like I said I did one-twenty all the way home. I was fearing for the worst. I knew it was all bad when the phone didn't pick up. I knew it was bad when Kaliya told me about the the car sitting across the street. I just knew it was my ex-husband. I should've done something. I could've stopped this. I didn't know he was gonna strike so fast though. But oh my God if he hurt her, I think I might lose it.

 Kaliya she has become my world. My lifeline. Once I did make it home. Cop cars were everywhere. They had the whole block, blocked off. They had the yellow tape around the perimeter of the house. I spotted the children, and they all stood looking so afraid, and so worried. And then I realized there were only three, and I forgot Kaliya kept Camden home today. My stomach did a flip, and I felt sick. My lady and the baby are all gone. The cops set out an Amber Alert, the case became high risked because an infant was involved. News reports started going out like wildfire.

The whole scene got crazy, and and news stations started to file in, and everybody was moving so fast. I ran to the children first, and they were so happy to see a familiar face.

They were so shaken up and afraid. Charles and Karlie was in tears, and Ka'Diah was like a rock. She had shutdown, maybe this whole situation was a bit more than she could handle. The cops took me in for questioning. It was only procedure, in cases like this everybody is a suspect. But three witnesses came forward and all said they seen Kaliya and the baby being forced away by a bald headed African-American male.

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