Chapter 27

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“No way!” Karlie said.

“Wow.” Christina said

“Hello sister.” Charles said with a smile.

“I knew she'd talk soon. Cause at the beach she was freaking out when you almost drowned that one time, and had to get the cast on your foot. Yay Ka'Diah!” Karlie said clapping.

“That's amazing I knew she could, Karlie was right she was freaking out at the beach.” Christina said.

“Did you make that vase Ka'Diah?” Karlie asked. I was still holding the vase. I sat it on the table, so they could look at it.

“I did.” Ka'Diah said.

“So colorful, so pretty.” Karlie smiled.

“I like the flowers.” Charles said.

“Thank you.” Ka'Diah said with a nod. The joy I felt was unspeakable.

This was awesome and amazing. Today has been a whirlwind of emotion.

That night after dinner was done, and the kids in bed. Christina and I were doing dishes.

I was washing and she drying.

“Today has truly been something.” I said.

“I know, Ka'Diah really talked. Can you believe that? I mean when she spoke at the beach, I just thought she was just freaking out. Maybe she just uses her voice in emergencies. But then tonight she spoke and it was amazing.” Christina said.

“I know and I never heard her speak. At one point I wasn't even sure she had a voice. But God it's good to hear.” I said.

“I know. It was so amazing. I told you Kaliya, all they needed was time.” Christina said.

“Yeah you were right. All they needed was time. They have an appointment wit Dr. Gordon tomorrow. I can't wait to tell her the news. She was thrilled when Charles started talking, she's been working especially hard with Ka'Diah. She'll be glad to hear it.” I said.

“I'm sure she will. It's all working out Kaliya.” Christina said.

“Yeah I guess so. So much happened today. I was up and I was down, then Ka'Diah spoke and I was back up.” I said.

“What had you down?” Christina asked. I was talking about the letter I received from Nikki. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Christina about that though. I wasn't sure at all. But I really wanted to talk to somebody about it.

“I got a letter today.” I said.

“Yeah from who?” Christina asked.

“Nikki.” I said quietly.

Christina paused and looked at me.

I looked right back at her.

“What did it say?” she asked.

“A whole bunch of stuff. She sent me a picture.” I said.

“How did she look?” Christina asked.

“Better. Her hair grew back, her skin is clear, and she's put on some weight. She's been clean for ninety days. In the letter she told me she wants to make things right, and wants everything to workout for the best.” I said.

“Do you believe her?” Christina asked.

“I don't know. The letter explained a lot. She's done this so many times before. In and out of rehab constantly. It's hard to trust her. See that's the problem. I rather deal with Schizophrenics and Bipolars and mentally ill people. Cause you can always trust and know that they always gonna be crazy. They gonna be crazy no matter the day. But with drug addicts, you never know. They could be strung out for years. Then be clean for a few years, and out the blue they go back to the streets. And it's everyday you're wondering is today the day they go back out there. Anything can trigger it. They could be just walking down the street, and just out the clear blue sky, they back getting high. They're always that chance that they'll return. That's the scariest part.” I said in complete truth.

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