The change

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" I would have thought that it would be like a tower type but no it's a whole city" saiko said right now he's in the dungeon that the dungeon creator made " ok let's find some peeps to kill " saiko said as he start to run down the street of a abandoned city. "System scan the area. We can use this as a hacking spot, " Saiko said [scanning area , time till done 10 minutes] . As Saiko continued to keep walking he finally found an enemy ; it was a zombie. immediately saiko took out his sword and got prepared for battle. The zombie seemed to have noticed saiko and started to attack saiko, saiko rushed out wanting to test his new strength out he slashed out with his blade aiming at the zombies head. the zombie didn't have a chance its head immediately was sliced in two.[host has killed a level 4 zombie host has gained 150 xp and ability points as well as 200 coins] "yesss "saiko screamed "system buy second bot"saiko immediately asked [ host has leveled up to level 4 ] . Saiko didn't even know he got enough XP to level up but the next instant he felt the rush again tho this time it didn't do as much [ host has gotten another bot next price is 1000 ability points] . soon a same size saiko appeared out of nowhere "yes i got 2 bots now lets go system are you done scanning the area for a hack location"[ yes host the closes hack area is a run down park do you wish to start hack] "yes plz " soon the bot started heading to the hack location when it got there saiko saw it was full of zombies. the next instant the bot rushed out to fight as well as saiko ' if i don't fight then i'll never know how to fight i can't just let my bot do all the fighting how would i learn how to fight' saiko thought , he wanted to be like so many of his favorite mc of his favorite stories he wanted to have all the abilities the sharingans , kurama , shadow monarch ability, and so many more now that he could learn and use all of these abilities why not go for all of them , saiko wanted to be a war god which was someone who had no weakness and could use everything a bow , a sword , magic it was a class that specializes in having no weaknesses .

2 day time skip

saiko has been grinding away with his 2 bots. in this time the bots now learned that they didn't just need to charge straight in they thought of strategies and dodge to avoid taking damage in this time saiko learned that there were 2 levels of zombies 1 was the require 4 leveled zombie and then there were what was called the mob leader zombie it was the leader of a zombie mob and were at level 8, he also learned each mob of zombies had 1 leader and 25 regular zombies so for saiko has cleared only 2 mobs in all of his time being here bc they usually surround the 3 and attack from all sides but saiko didn't care bc with his 10 x ability it was as if he cleared 20 of these mob groups , tho saiko turned off the notifications so all of his earnings would come in at one time and also bc he was annoyed with the constant pop up after he killed a zombie now saiko is on top of a building resting with the bots. "ok so i cleared 2 mobs pretty fast but i won't use the system after i cleared 10 mobs i bet my earning will be very big " when siako thought about how much he'd get after this his heart raced . During this time saiko thought about his body he was getting extremely strong so shouldn't his body also change " man i wanna be shredded but lean like saitama or jin-woo , tho i more leaning towards jin woo he still has his hair left" saiko said. " ok so still my main priority is upgrading the system , then get strength absorber to level 10 so it could absorb at least 10% of magical attacks then we'll get shredded maybe like a skill and also get like a defence skill like those cultivation methods to strengthen the body " saiko then stood up with his bots, prepared to go and kill 8 more mobs. Saiko didn't know how long he spent here due to it always being day.

Saiko was now facing off against the boss of the tenth mob. This was his last enemy to defeat him and his 2 bots surrounded the boss. The bots now could think as if they had their own consciousness. They weren't fighting like bots anymore but more of like a person learning and adapting . as the boss roard and started to move towards bot 1 , bot 2 and saiko rushed to slice the boy when they arrived they sliced one towards the head the other towards its legs once the blades landed on the skin it cut not all the way but caused major damage onec the zombie reacted and roared in pain it's stopped and fell bot 1 had stabbed the zombie in its chest going through its heart and died instantly. ''Finally I smell bad due to all the zombie blood on my and sweat,'' said saiko..''system turn on and take me home " saiko said [hello host please wait 5 minutes for things to fully start running ]. saiko only had to wait 5 minutes before he teleported home "system don't give me the result yet just wait till i say " [ yes] saiko then hurried to take a bath once he was in there he relaxed and washed himself as the water going down the drain turned from a clears to yellow with black spots this was all the mud and zombie blood , saiko washed himself 3 times before getting out making sure to he got rid of that funky smell on him . saiko grabbed a bowl and loaded whatever he could get he started scarfing everything in the bowl down , he was starving , after which he went on the couch and relaxed "ok system give me my results from the grind " saiko ask [ yes host] [host has gotten in all combined 41000 xp and ability points as well as 54000 coins] [host has leveled up 27 times] [host has also received 70 stat points ] [ host has also got 4 unopened gachas ] . silence nothing could be heard soon saiko breath in and let it out. saiko was about to explode from all his treasure he just collected but soon the high of a lifetime came it lasted about 10 minutes all of his stats instantly got over 270 each at the same time "system distribute my stats point evenly"saiko said [done all stats are now at 330] . "system level up to the maximum you can " [ yes host estimated time to finish 4 hours starting now] \. saiko was excited he was about to explode his main goal was dont now he basically had a universal computer in his head 'ima take a nap 'saiko thought and closed his eyes. today was Sunday and It was 1 day after Issei saved Asia so tomorrow was school. as 5 hours passed quickly in a blink of an eye for saiko who instantly fell asleep, he got up to see if the system was done upgrading [ hello host thank you for upgrading me to the max you have 31100 ability points left] instantly saiko saw the difference in the system it never use to do that he could tell it definitely did get smarter [ system what day and time is it [ its sunday and its 6:30 in the afternoon it's also 1 day after issei went to save asia so the fallen angels aren't around anymore ] " yess i knew it was a good idea to upgrade you to the max ..oh system open all my 4 gachas '' saiko said he was excited to see what he was going to get he merged the gatcha with many thing some from some of his games he use to play with on his phone and some that he used to play with his family [ host has gotten celestial shaking divine hydra dragon egg , host has gotten glorious gold relentless blade , host has gotten s tier devine body of an immortal body technique , and host has gotten 12 star world stone ] . for the second time there was nothing but silence "whatttt how did i get this lucky im a god now " yelled saiko " system tell me about the body of immortal thing how do i max it out " saiko said this body of a immortal really peaked his interest it was as if a almighty deity heard him and gave him his shredded body [ this body technig does not have levels it's more of a transformation and once you learn it you'll transform to a physique of a god , or a shredded body] they system said after its upgrade it could now explain stuff way simpler " how many ability point to learn it " said saiko he was beyond excited after this he still had god tier items to check out " [ this requires 2000 ability points to learn ] the system said '' learn it " saiko said instantly the system used up 2000 ability point and a bunch of knowledge went to saiko mind after it stop he sat down in a cultivation position and used the ability instantly you could see changes with the naked eye he grew a bit taller and you couldn't tell bc the rest was under his clothes ( jin-woo's body ) he instantly ran to the bathroom but he got there in less than 3 second witch he noticed it was due to his stats now but he still didn't care he went to the mirror and took his shirt off to look at his body and as expected he was shredded . saiko just stood there for a bit before putting his shirt back on he look at the rest of his items first was the relentless blade " system can you tell me its information " asked saiko [ the relentless blade is a blade made by a almighty deity in combat each swings power will multiply until the enemy is dead or seriously injured or can't block anymore ] " wow strong , ok let's get the egg info plz" [ the divine hydra dragon egg is a dragon so trong it can cause the heavens to shake, its regenerative power is so strong that even some deities would try not to mess with it the hydra also has a very powerful blast each head can cause a blast the hydra knows all type of elemental magic can be tamed to be a pet or familiar] 'nice tho i don't think i would like to hatch it right now especially in here were people can see it probably in my 12 star world no need system i know about this one from my memories , how long will the hydra need to hatch " saiko said[ 2 hours after which you need to make a contract with it ] '' hell yes im op" 


thats a rap 

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