the meet up

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" woah you see that car , it's a mclaren "

" wow i've never seen a car like that what is the name of it"

" hey look a mclaren "

" Huuuh honestly don't know why I'm going to this little meetup , most of the people here will be stuck up , or arrogant , ima have a headache " saiko said driving on a mountainside.

saikos high school wasn't an ordinary highschool, since his father was in a good position making money he could afford going to a prestigious school , where everyone had to either be rich or talented. anything else and you were instantly denied . that's why the highschool reunion was at a one of the best 5 star hotel in the wainui providence( i completely made this place up, and this is the name of the state / city saiko lives in ) .

" We're getting close , look at all of these luxurious buildings' ' siako said in a bit of a shocked tone while looking at the buildings . in the night time the lights from the buildings made this beautiful scene as if stars in a night sky.

" Wow, this looks nice, " Saiko said, remembering this scene in his head .

10 minutes later

"Hello sir, welcome to the zing hotel , may i take your car to park it , " said a man standing on the side, " huh yeah sure , you know how drive one. " saiko said getting out of the car .

" sir we get all kinds of exotic cars here so it is required that we have knowledge on how to drive these types of cars. " the man said walking up to take the keys.

" Well sure, why not trust you with a 23 million yuan car , here" said saiko, throwing the keys for the man to catch .

Did he say 23 million yuan? no way really , i mean i know its a mclaren but i've never seen this one before , so it has to be true right .' . " hey sir if you dont mind me asking whats the name of the car" the valet said looking at the keys a bit shocked

" It's a McLaren p1 lm " saiko said before going inside the building where he was asked what his purpose was for being at the zing hotel , in which he told them it was for his highschool reunion , he was led to a room with big and wide doors . saiko had walked in and had looked around. It seemed about 26 people were there . There were 2 big tables on both sides of the room filled with food . " Huh, I haven't eaten dinner so I should eat here. It'd be a waste if no one ate the food, " Saiko said to himself . he had walked over and grabbed a plate of food and sat at an empty table . as he was eating people had come over and sat with him . This of course was xin lin and his hooligans , but also yin mayner and the same man he saw at the skies group . yin mayner was saikos ex , after seeing everyones face with a bit of an evil smile he knew he was about to get bullied. These people here heard about the misfortunes that happened to saiko because of yin mayner . his father leaving them after getting a promotion and he went off with a receptionist, to his mother being sick .

" hey saiko buddy how have you been , hey if you don't mind me asking where's your father. '' Xin Lin said laughing .

" did he forget his way home or something"

" yeah , eating dry cereal must've sucked "

The whole group was going in on it even mayer's new boyfriend who he didn't even know .

" It's quite alright I could buy my own milk , but I'm more surprised that you xu lin doesnt know where my father is hasnt he been working with you guys on a new project, danm to say your slow would be me being generous. Com on it was all over the news evas and the xu family on anew projectbla blah blah " saiko said taking a bite of steak .

" ohhh someone definitely grew a pair since last time we met , you must've forgotten what i do to people like you , who disrespect me . i'll give you one chance to kneel and say sorry and we won't have to get physical " xin lin said as he gripped saiko's shoulder with strength that didn't seem to be human " .

the supreme god (dxd x gamer )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ