my little sona

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[ host has killed 285 regular werewolves and 20 alpha werewolves] the system rang. saiko widen his eyes ' so many' saiko thought last time when just his bots killed less than 20 he got a bunch of resources but now it was like comparing a mountain to a hill [ host has earned 382000 xp and ability points and has earned 517500 coins ] [host has obtained jewel of xp , all levels now only need 20,000 xp to level up ] saiko had to sit back and take it all in beside from the large harvest he got a god no a universal item he was extremely lucky how ,how . saiko didn't know how he was so lucky but it was due to how much good karma saiko had accumulated from his past life . [ host has leveled up 19 times] soon saiko was in such a comfortable feeling from all of his strength going up he fell asleep he woke up bright in the morning and remembered last night now he could say he was truly unrivaled.

Saiko did his usual morning routine after which for breakfast he had a cup of divine knowledge and after he drank it all he got a very bad headache but after 5 minutes it stopped . Saiko walked to school and was early he soon went to the student council room where he saw sona at her desk looking at some files while tsubaki was out patrolling the school . " hello sona '' Saiko said in a friendly manner after which sona put away the file and greeted back. today was 1 day before rias went to the familiar forest. '' Hello, Saiko, what can I do for you today? '' Sona said in a monotone voice. '' oh i'm here to clear up my absence days and get anything if i do like homework or stuff like that " saiko said as he found a chess board on a table " hey do you know how to play chess" saeko aked sauna" yes i do want to play a game to pass time and to wait for tsubaki to get back so she can see if you have anything to do " sona said as she got up to sit across saiko "i'll be white " saiko said and sona agreed as they played chess time passed sone tsubaki came back and saw sona in a game against seiko. upon closer inspection she could see that son was at a disadvantage and badly as she only had her rook 1 night 3 pawns and her king left while saiko had his queen ,1 bishop , 2 nights , 1 rook , and 5 pawns while also having his king with was quarded very well and saiko also had a very good attack tactic he attacked and defended at the same time and made sure that if a piece was taken out of his defence that the surrounding peixes could easily take it out so it wouldn't be checkmate " oh tsubaki plz see if saiko has any work he has to due due to him being absent for a week saona said as she focused very much on the chess game she didn't care about the time or her classes with already started 5 minutes ago , as sonna moved her rook to a place where it couldn't get taken out to use up her turn to see were saiko would go so she could counter attack as she did saiko just moved up a paw that was now 4 rows away from the other end ' i can't let his pawn get to the end or he could have 2 queens and it would surely be the end of me sonna then oved her rook into the front of sailors pawn saiko continued to move that pawn as sonna was about to move she saw the piece behind his pawn it was is queen it was a trap and she nearly fell for it if her rook would have gotten taken out then saiko queen could have easily demolish her pawns as she didn't move her rook but a pawn forward after witch saiko attack with his bishop he was going full offence now . tsubaki came back with nothing as saiko had no work he had actually done all his work but they didn't care about that sonna was about to lose very badly at that too after 25 more minutes it was 5 minutes before lunch and the game had gone on for hours since the morning but finally seiko trapped sonos ing in a corn with 3 queens and 2 bishops as well as 2 rooks ( saiko was able to leave sonna with just her paw and king and used it to turn his pieces into 2 queens 1 bishop and 1 rook ) "checkmate my dear sona " saiko said a blush was visible on sonas face. " your the first person to defeat me saiko congratulations i'll have to talk to my parent about something tho" sona said " oh sona if you don't mind i'd like to have lunch with you i need to discuss something important saiko said as he got up grabbed sona hand and kissed the top he left to get lunch while in the room sonans face was all red while also tsubakis . '' hello mom" sona said s=, currently sona is telling them on how you beat her " i got beat in chest by a boy named saiko darwin as you know of my deal i'm now engaged to him" sona said seemingly shy as soon as she said this he mother camly put sona on hold while she ran to her husband to tell him the great new sona had finally got a husband what a good news , they still didn't know that it was just a human they thought that sona was challenged and defeated by a high class devil well that was their dream after celebrating they told serafall and soon all the sitris teleported into the student council room but saiko already got his lunch and had been in the room for a minute and now saw the teleportation circle and out came serafall and sonas parent " sona where is he i want to meet my future son in law mr.sitri said as sona looked pall she then turned towards saiko . '' saiko this may be weird and hard to believe but to sum it up the supernatural is real and i'm a devil" sona said the sitris then noticed saiko they didn't send anything from him he was just a human and they just continued to look around and waiting for sona to answer there questions" sona stop talking to a lowly human and introduce me to my future son in law " sistri said in a happy tone " yes sona hurry up you can just erase his memory my dear" lady sitri said " he's your son in law , he the one who beat me " sona said in a shy voice " what " all 3 of the new commer said in sync after a bit mr.sitri walked to saiko prepared magic in his hand to erase saiko mide . mr sitri had a grim expression if word that a human beat his daughter and she was engaged to a human his family would be a laughing stock as he was 3 feet away so hurriedly aske " father what are you doing" " erasing his memory i can't allow you to marry a human it will stain our family name " mr sistri said " umm sorry to say this but i'm not just an ordinary hum i know magic " saiko said witch stunned sona and tsubaki but none of the others " shut it and stop the lies before i kill you " mr sitri said he believed saiko was lying he couldn't even feel any magical power from saiko." you don't even have any magical presence in you " mr sitri said as he was about to slap saiko for lying" of that bc im suppressing it here you go sir" saiko said as he stopped his suppression immediately there was a pressure on everyone and even lord sitri had been tremendously slowed down by the presence it was as if he was facing agit one of the 4 demon kings '' my great apologies plz forgive me " lord sistri said .

After that was over sona and tsubaki were as well as everyone was shocked including serafall she was one of the 4 demon kings but she was weaker than seiko " so sorry for that misconception but yeah so i'm apparently engaged to your daughter how " saiko asked not wanting to reveal that he already knew about sona arrangement with her family " sona will only be engaged to those who are smarter than her and thus you are the first person to beat sona in intelligence " lord sitri said he was a bit frightful he almost smacked a existence of the same power of demon king " oh well sona a very lovely girl i wouldn't mind saiko said as he looked a sona sona saw this and blushed she looked away like a shy timid girl " yes then if you don't mind the wedding will be this weekend dont worry well take care of everything you too just do what you want " lord sitri said after which he left immediately with his daughter and wife . starfall went to tell speech about what she encountered and about their new potential ally and also her new brother in law .

" I didn't know you were that strong nor did I know you knew of the supernatural '' sona said " there's a lot you don't know about me so how about we used the rest of the day to know each other till the wedding day ' Saiko said . "i have go to the familiar forest but raias also got 2 new servants so she might also want to go to the farest as well " sona said " then the door opened and in saji came he greeted the sona and tsubaki and then saw saiko who was talking to sona '' hey prezident whos this low life " saji said at which sona imdeiatly got angry as her killing intent locked on saji '' how dare you talk to my fiance like that " sona yelled when saiko heard this his heart felt a bit warm and there was a feeling in his throat .'''' fiance wait i thought you were single how could you have finances especially with him he has no magic or anything plus i've seen him hang around akon it's pretty obvious he likes her " saji shouted trying his very best to make sona drop saiko . tsubaki explained everything to saji ,and instantly saji graveled at saiko feet " im sorry plz forgive me sanji said after hearing he was as strong as one of the 4 demon king saji knew that he would die in an instant . saiko didn't care so he continued to talk to sona " so you going to meet her today " saiko said. " yes i'll introduce you to her and as well as saji " sona said

time skip

as it's in the afternoon we see sona and her peerage as well as saiko walking to the occult research club. we see saiko and sona , with saikos hand over sonas shoulders and hugging her close to him as sonas is blushing soon they arrive at the club and walk in and everyone meets they notice saiko"sona what's saiko doing here and was is he holding you like that " rias asked almost in a threatening voice " he's my fiance rias i'm pretty sure we can do this " sona said as saiko heard this he blushed a bit it hasn't been a full day but she's already sticking up for him as if they been married for sometime . " what hese your fiance, i don't think lord sistri would approve" akeno said with a hint of sadness in her voice,to akeno right now she tried to stay composed so it didn't come one could barely tell but to akeno it was as if her most precious belonging was just taken away from her and giving to someone else. " oh lord sitris ,lady sitri as well as serafall leviathan game ,yeah they approved it were having the wedding this weekend if you guys like to come '' saiko said , this stunned everyone in rias peerage except asia and issei " how could he accept a human plus how did this happen " rias said "he beat me in a game of chest and my father did approve of him you can ask your brother he probably already knows "==================\

thats a rap

macoronie inn a pot with some chicken stripss ....AUUUH

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