Chapter 26

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We finally make it back to the base with the other captives safely returning with us. Raven is still in my arms but luckily she has stopped crying. I stare at her body worriedly; even though it's in the middle of healing itself it still looks very bad. I carry her up to my temporary room and lay her down gently on the bed. She looks over and gives me a small smile.

"Thanks for saving me."

"No problem."

We fall in to an awkward silence and I'm not that surprised by it. This is the first time we've seen each other in a month and the tension is thick. Especially after my confession back at the hunter base. I told her that I'd climb over every mountain and that I'd swim across oceans just to be by her side. It was corny but in the heat of the moment I had said that to her. That truth had shocked her and this is the first time we've spoken since leaving the hunter base.

"Um, Cal?" 

"Yes? Do you need something?"

"Well," she hesitates for a moment, wringing her wrists nervously before going on,"did you really mean what you said at the hunter base? The thing about climbing mountains and swimming oceans for me?"

I stay quiet and refuse to answer. I want to tell her that I did mean it but I fear she wouldn't believe me. After all, I've made her feel unloved, so much so that she ended up leaving. Not to mention that she wouldn't see me much differently if I did tell her the truth. But, I've got nothing to lose.

"Yes, I did mean it."

She goes quiet and turns her gaze away from me. My stormy eyes trail over her beautiful form and they stop at her stomach. That is when I remember something important. Going over to my desk, I grab the crumpled ultrasound photo before going back to the bed and holding it out for Raven to take.

"Here, I believe this is yours."

She looks over and gasps, her cognac eyes widening as she recognises what is in my hand. With trembling fingers, she takes it from me and stares at it worriedly.

"Where did you get this?" she asks, holding the deformed ultrasound picture of our baby.

I wish it were in a better condition but that hunter bastard had crumpled it so badly that I don't think it'll ever be the same again.

"One of the pack members brought it back with him after going to the house. He found it and thought it fit to give it to me," I reply as I look at her.

She slowly turns to look at me, tears filling her eyes as she sobs out,"I wanted to tell you, I swear I did."

"It's alright, Raven. I understand why you didn't, I don't think I'd be a great role model for our child anyway."

"No, that's not-"

"Seriously, Raven, I understand. I ruined you and I wouldn't be surprised if you never let me see our child. After all, I don't deserve anything special from you after what I did."

She stays quiet, a weird look in her eyes as more tears fall. I hate to see her so upset. Sitting next to her, I pull her in my arms in an effort to comfort her. Having her in my arms feels amazing but I try not to think that way as she hugs me back, her body trembling as she sobs in my chest. I stroke her long obsidian locks in an attempt to calm her, her sobs honestly hurting me.

"Please don't cry. I'm not upset, I promise," I plead, hoping it's enough to stop the tears.

She shakes her head, still crying as she mumbles,"I did want to tell you, Cal. But, on the day I found out, you had left to go fight. It's been agony keeping this from you."

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