Chapter 18

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Her face held so much sadness that I couldn't find the words to describe how she could have felt. But, I'm sure she had lost all hope in me after that.

I pushed her away and now she has finally reached the point where I have also pushed her to her limit. She has completely stopped talking to me, she no longer looks at me - not even to glare. When she sees me coming then she immediately turns around and avoids me. We don't even share a room anymore, just me alone in my room while she sleeps with her friends. The tension around us is so thick nowadays, you could probably cut through it with a serrated knife. This has been going on for a few weeks now and even Clyde's given up on me. He's completely blocked me out; the only time I can feel his presence is when I catch a small glimpse of Raven - before she avoids me - then I can feel him stir and yearn for her touch.

But, that will never happen. Not with her.

I thought this uncomfortable atmosphere would go on forever until one moment finally changed everything. That moment, unbeknownst to all of us, would be tonight.

I am currently just minding my own business in my office, just preparing to put my work away and about to turn myself in for the night when a pack member named William comes walking in.

"Um. . .Alpha?" he asks, his tone hesitant but desperate to tell me what he has to say.

"What is it?" I ask, waiting patiently for what he has to say.

"I know you and the Luna aren't on good terms at the moment but um. . .the Luna is raiding the bar and no one is able to make her stop."

My eyes widen in shock and other frustrated feelings as I ask,"How long has this been going on?"

"Almost an hour. We would have come to you sooner but everyone wanted to try and convince her to stop."

"Have you tried her friends?"

"We would have but if you can remember they all went with the Delta and several other warriors to help train a neighbouring pack a few days ago. They won't be back until the day after tomorrow."

I sigh as I get up and follow William to the bar. Sure enough, there she was busy emptying a bottle of Jack Daniels. She's swaying slightly on the bar stool as some people try and get her to put the bottle down.

"Please stop, Luna. This isn't a good idea," a male pack member pleads with her.

Raven gently pushes him away while frantically shaking her head.

"Nooooo," she whines, like a child who refuses to go to bed.

I roll my eyes and I'm about to just force her to go to bed when a voice sounds in my head.

"Please, help her. . ."

I stop and look over at Raven. Seeing her drowning whatever she's feeling is honestly not how I wanted to see her. Raven has always been so stubborn and fierce, to see her like this is upsetting.

"Cal, please. . ."

"For once, be the person she needs."

I sigh as I sit down next to her. She slowly looks over at me, her eyes clouded in a drunken way. I would have found it annoying if it weren't for the mix of emotions swirling in her eye. It made my heart stir and not in a good way. Something deep down inside told me this wasn't going to end well. She smiles as she fully faces me.

"Hey there, Grizzly Bear," she slurs while giggling at the silly nickname.

I roll my eyes as I stare at the three empty bottles next to her that I have only noticed now. One used to be filled with vodka, the other two with rum.

"How many bottles have you emptied, Raven?" I ask calmly as not to anger her.

She looks over at the bottles next to her, then the one in her hand, then behind the bar where I see hundreds of multi-coloured glass shards. I guess she must have either thrown them or had drunkenly bumped them over.

"Five, I think. No wait, I also had that merlot. So, seven."

She gives me an innocent smile as if what she had just said was completely normal. But knowing her, it probably is normal for her.

"Why are you drinking so much?"

She smiles again before taking a large swig, her head jerking back quickly. When she swallows and lets her head drop; her black hair falling over her face like a veil. She looks so beautiful in this moment and I almost lose the control I have on myself to not kiss her.

"I'll tell you why if you tell me what fucking stick was shoved up your asssss to make you hate me sooooo much," she chuckles and her words don't sound angry even though I'm sure she's furious with me on the inside.

I roll my eyes but decide to tell her. It's not like she's going to remember this. I look around and nod for all the pack members to leave, which they do, then I turn to Raven and begin to tell her my story,"I had a sister whose mate was a rogue. She left with him and a few weeks later we found out that him and his other rogue buddies killed her. They tried to use her to steal from other packs but when she refused to obey, they decided she was no longer useful. So, they ripped her apart and she died at the hands of the person who was meant to love her the most. After that, I couldn't stand rogues."

When I look over at her again, Raven had long, fat tears rolling down her rosy cheeks while she cried at my pain. Her eyes held a sorrow beyond description. I couldn't understand why she was crying at my pain when I was the cause of hers.

"You also lost someone important to you? I'm so sorry," she sobs, using her hand to cover her mouth.

"What do you mean 'also'?"

She suddenly smiles, her tears seemingly vanishing into thin air as she takes another large gulp from the nearly empty bottle in her hands.

"You wanted to know why I'm drinking so I'll tell you. Today is a very special day for me. Nine years ago I was able to change my life for the better," she says gleefully, her smile showing nothing but drunken joy.

"Why is that?"

"To make you understand why this day is so important, I have tell you my whole story."

She stops for a second, to look around and make sure no one else is listening before turning back to me. Then, she suddenly reveals something that will forever change our lives.

"I am a rape baby," she says with a gleeful smile still stretched across her face.

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