Chapter 12

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Before we get started on this chapter, just keep in mind that Raven and Frankie are five years. It's just good to keep that in mind. Okay, enjoy.



I was in complete shock when Cal had those flowers in his hands. I was in even more shock when he said that they were for me. As I gently stroke the petals, I'm surprised to see that they're real. Not my imagination. Not plastic or paper. Real life flowers, just for me. I smile at the thought. Even though his father told him to give them to me and even though it wasn't his idea, I'm still happy that he gave me flowers. I haven't received flowers in such a long time. I've almost forgotten what it feels like to receive them. . .


*Trigger warning*

I cry as my "father" hits me over the head and walks out of the house in anger. He is going out to drink and when he gets back, he's going to beat me again.

I cry softly, looking up at the ceiling as my head throbs in agony,"Can you see how pathetic I am from heaven, mom? I want to stay strong for you but how can I when that fucking fucktard does this to me! I don't know what to do anymore."

I run towards my room in frustration and lock myself in the bathroom. Six year old Frankie is playing outside so I won't be bothered. I grab the razor that had soon become my only friend and start tearing into my flesh with it. My arms are caked in blood in a matter of minutes but I don't care at this point. I just want a release. I want the pain to go away even if it is just for a few hours. I want peace.

After ten minutes, I clean and bandage my arms before heading outside to check on Frankie. He is playing so care-freely like there is nothing wrong with the world. But, that's why I hate him sometimes because of how oblivious he is to this world. It is cruel and torturous. This world is nothing but a dark, empty hole where the weak and less fortunate suffer, where as the oblivious and carefree are ignorant or some just refuse to see our pain. My pain.

I hate Frankie. I hate him so much because he never sees my pain. He is going to turn out just like my "father" and I'm never going to find happiness. I suddenly see Frankie race towards me, a clump of tiny white and purple flowers - with roots and all - fisted in his small hand. My eyebrows scrunch in curiosity but also in disgust.

What does he want?

"Ravy, I picked some flowers for you!" he squeals in excitement.

My eyes widen in surprise as he stops in front of me and lifts his hand for me to take the flowers. I just stare at his smiling face and chipper green eyes in shock before looking at the messy clump of flowers in his harsh grasp.

"Why did you pick flowers for me?" I ask, not used to being given a gift after so many years.

"I saw how he hurted you. He's a meanie! I hope the flowers make you feel better," he responds, complete innocence in his tone.

I freeze in place and tears blur my vision as I stare at him. He's so young but he understands that I'm in pain. He cares about me. I smile in a crooked way as I take the flowers and smell them. They have no scent but they smell sweet to me.

"Thank you, Frankie."

He gives me a giant grin and for the first time in my miserable life, my heart swells with something I never thought existed. It swelled with hope. Frankie gave me hope. From now on, he is the only thing in my life that will ever matter. I will live every day just to see his happy face and cheerful smile and maybe someday I'll have a smile just like his. A real smile.


I look away from my beautiful flowers and look up at Cal. He has an unreadable expression like always. But I find myself smiling at it instead of getting annoyed like I usually do.

"Thank you," I say, my smile growing as I hold the flowers closer to me.

He just nods before walking out of the hospital wing. I would have liked it if more had been said but right now I'll take what I can get. Just then, the door opens again and Harry, Sam and Thomas practically strut inside my room.

"Hey, Ray-Ray. We came to check up on you," Thomas grins but pauses when he sees the flowers in my hands.

All the boys are frozen as they stare at them.

"Who gave you flowers?" Harry questions, confused by their presence.

"Cal," I answer with a smile.

I see them all grin and open their mouths widely but I stop them from saying anything.

"Don't get your hopes up. His father told him to give them to me."

They frown in disappointment while I giggle at their expressions. They are such dorks. "Although," I begin and their ears perk up as they stare intently at me, waiting for me to continue talking,"it's nice to have received flowers. I don't care that his father told him to give it to me. Just the fact that someone gave me flowers, after such a long time really means a lot to me."

They stare at me in confusion before Thomas and Harry grin while Sam looks at them with uncertainty. "Aw, don't get all soft on us, Ray-Ray," Thomas teases and I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't tell us you started developing feelings for the asshole," Harry chuckles but he stops when I don't chuckle along or give a disgusted reply.

I stroke and play with the petals of the flowers while I think about what he said. I don't like the fucking asshole but I wouldn't say I hate him at this moment.

By the way, if you're wondering why Gale hasn't interrupted yet with her fan girl comments, I'll happily tell you why. The special shot they gave me for the wolfsbane also helps my wolf concentrate on healing my body so they are almost in a meditation-like state until I'm fully healed. Good news for me, at least now I can have some peace for once.

But I would prefer her to be awake so she can help me sort out what I'm feeling right now. I can't have feelings for Cal. . .can I? I just shrug nonchalantly and let out a huff of disapproval - which seems to satisfy the concerned trio. And, while my cheeks burn slightly in embarrassment, one question is still on my mind: Do I like Cal?

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