𝔁𝓲𝔁. the hello and goodbye

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chapter nineteen

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chapter nineteen

Alex had always felt weak under Stefans touch. she gave into him every single time. he was gentle, warm, and undeniably irresistible. every time his fingers grazed her arm or neck she practically melted into him; letting go of everything and just feeling numb.

and right now was no different.

one of his hands rested in the nape of her neck right below her jaw, and that single act alone was what let her bring down her defenses and fall into him.

"I don't want Rebekah or Elena... I only want you." he spoke. his thumb gently grazing her bottom lip, "it's always been you"

Alex knew that if she believed his confession that things would change. they're on opposite sides of the war for this cure. her family wouldn't be happy if she got back together with him, not after all the pain they put each other through.

but seeing his bright eyes so close to her again, the sound of his voice, his touch, she was blinded by her love for him that nothing else mattered to her.

yet even then, that small part of her brain, the part that held her doubts, wondered if everything was saying was true. that everything he says he feels for her is real.

Stefan's hand stayed in place as he whispered softly, "we can go back to how things were before; but this time we won't have to hide. no more secrets, no more mortality to keep us apart"

"what if I want the cure? If I take it i'll be human, my enemies will know in due time and come for me. everyone in this town will be in danger, and my siblings will only want to keep me alive"

"i'll get it for you and Elena"

that sentence alone told Alex everything she needed to know. Stefan still cared enough for Elena to risk everything for her. back in 1864 he would pick Katherine over her, and now he would pick Elena. it doesn't matter if she wants the cure, as long as Elena could get it too he would trust her with the headstone and believe she was on their side.

Alex scoffed, pulling back from his touch, "of course, it's still all about that damn face. what so special about those doppelgängers? you know what... i don't care anymore. I don't have your little headstone anymore, and I don't need it. I have a more reliable source than your little group. and my party actually cares about me. they don't use my love for them to their advantage"

"I do care about you Alex. why else would i be here now? why would I keep coming back to you and confess to you if I didn't feel something for you?"

Alex pressed her lips together in frustration. she didn't know if she could actually believe him while they're on this hunt for the cure. he only cares if Elena gets to be human again, but he tells her he wants her and not Elena.

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