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One day, when Diaval was spying on the human kingdom, he headed chatter about the birth of a baby girl.

"It's a girl!" one servant cheered.

"It's a girl! It's a girl!" the others joined.

With the information he acquired, the raven flew back to his mistress.

"Well?" she prompted.

"Well, I saw nothing. But there's been a, um..."

"What?" she pressed.

"A child. King Stefan and the Queen have had a child." the raven says.


"There will be a christening. They say it's to be a grand celebration." he says.

"A grand celebration for a baby. How wonderful." she responded, darkly.

All manner of folk came to the christening, even a trio of pixies who sought to foster peace and goodwill.

"They bring gifts for our daughter." Stefan's wife informed him.

He held no love for his wife, still obsessing over a certain fairy. He often imagined his current wife as her, especially during the conception of his child.

"These are not just any old gifts, for, you see, we're magic!" one of the pixies informs.

"Very well." Stefan says, for he did love his child.

"Sweet Aurora, I wish for you the gift of beauty." Knotgrass said.

Then Flittle came up.

"My wish is that you'll never be blue, only happy, all the days of your life." she said.

And finally, Thistletwit stepped up.

"Sweet baby, my wish for you is that you find—"

But she is interrupted be a great wind, and suddenly, Maleficent appeared, walking up to the king and queen.

"Well, well. What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan." she said, looking around.

"Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and," she laughed at the sight of the pixies. "How quaint. Even the rabble. I must say I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation." she says.

"You're not welcome here." said the king.

"Oh." Maleficent answered, with a mock offended look.

Then, she laughs again. "Oh, dear. What an awkward situation."

"You're not offended?" Queen Leila asked, meekly.

"Why, no. And to show I bear no ill will, I too, shall bestow a gift on the child." she said, evilly smiling.

"No! We don't want your gift!" Stefan exclaimed, yet Maleficent approached Aurora's crib, nevertheless.

"Stay away from the princess!"

"Yes, stay away!" the pixies spoke, knowing the wickedness of the fairy they once called friend.

But Maleficent used her magic to lock them in a chest.

She went up to the crib, but before she could get there, y/n appeared in between Maleficent and the baby, along with a blue butterfly flying by her.

"I believe I received an invitation" she spoke.

"Y/n" the king, whispered, in shock at her arrival.

"Maleficent you have truly gone insane. Stay away from the child" y/n said.

"Get out of my way" Maleficent gritted out.

"Back off" the younger fairy warned.

Maleficent threw her across the room with her magic, but y/n paid it back, blasting a force at the black fairy.

Maleficent had enough and pushed her against the wall again, choking her by wrapping vines around her neck.

Y/n struggled to breathe but spoke to her butterfly, flying near her.

"Into a woman" she spoke, transforming Sapphire back into a human.

Immediately, she started trying to get y/n free.

While this is happening, Maleficent looks at the baby in her crib.

"Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet her." she begins.

"That's a lovely gift." the queen says, afraid.

"Don't do this." Stefan pleads.

Maleficent looks behind her, seeing a spinning wheel with a needle.

"But before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death! A sleep from which she will never awaken!"

"Maleficent, please don't do this, I'm begging you." Stefan says.

"I like you begging. Do it again." she says, reveling in the power she had over him at the moment.

"I beg you." he says, kneeling.

"Hmmm. Not good enough" she responds.

"Please Mal. She's just a child" says y/n, who's now free.

After a moment of looking between y/n and Stefan, Maleficent remembers the dreadful gift that Stefan had given y/n for her 16th birthday.

"Alright. The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but only by...true love's kiss." she says.

"This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it!" and with that, she disappears.

"Forgive me, for not preventing the curse on your child" y/n says to the Queen, not daring to look at Stefan.

Then she noticed the familiar sparkling blue on the queen's wedding ring.

"Your ring..." y/n whispered to her.

"Oh. It's beautiful, isn't it" the queen says, still a bit afraid of the magical creature.

Then y/n finally looks to Stefan.

"Quite" she grits out, through her teeth.

And then she vanished from their sights, taking her butterfly with her.

King Stefan ordered his men to seize every spinning wheel in the kingdom. The wheels were broken and burned, that they might never be used, and thrown into the deepest dungeon in the castle.

Secretly, he entrusted the safety of the child to the magic of the pixies, who would take her to a remote hideaway for sixteen years and a day.

Stefan shut himself behind the walls of his castle while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down.

But she made walls of her own, that the Moors might never again suffer the touch of any human.

She used her magic to grow massive thorned trees surrounding the Moors.

And she reveled in the sorrow that her curse had brought.

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