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Diaval took Maleficent, y/n, and Sapphire to the fairies' cottage.

The two fairies creep to an open window and looks inside where baby Aurora is in her basket.

After a minute of silence, maleficent speaks. "Hmm. It's so ugly, you could almost feel sorry for it."

"Mal" y/n whisper shouts, annoyed.

The dark fairy lets on a slight smile at the use of her old nickname.

But she quickly covers it up by pulling a frightening face at Aurora, but the baby just continues to smile at her.

Y/n chuckles.

"I hate you, Beasty" Maleficent states, creating a new nickname for the small creature.

The years quickly went by, though the fairies never appeared to age. And as Maleficent and y/n re-bonded, all while beginning to bond with the baby.

The baby was 2 now, and the idiotic fairies were still arguing on how to feed the poor thing.

As the baby cries in hunger, Maleficent covers her ears in frustration.

"It's going to starve with those three looking after it." she said.

Y/n was glad that her friend had begun to worry for the child on her own.

They send Diaval as a bird to bring food and water to the baby.

"You see. My pet's actually useful. You just have a useless, glorified moth following you everywhere." Maleficent says.

Y/n's butterfly flew away from her.

"Oh come on Saf. You know she didn't mean it" y/n said to her butterfly, glaring at Maleficent.

She turns her back into a human.

"Well it was very rude" Sapphire says.

"And you spend all your time with her now. I rarely get any time with you" the butterfly says.

Maleficent scoffs.

"Come on Saf. Don't leave. I promise I'll spend more time with you now. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you" the fairy responded.

And so the butterfly agreed, happily flying back onto y/n's shoulder, having finally gotten attention from her lover.

A year later, Maleficent is using her magic to mess with the pixies, making them think they're hitting one another.

The three incompetent pixies start fighting amongst one another.

Maleficent looks to her side, to see y/n giving her a disapproving look.

"Oh, come on. That's funny." she said.

Y/n let on a little chuckle at her friend's behavior.

She admired how Maleficent grew closer to her old ways of jokes and mischievousness.

Two years later, Maleficent watches them in amusement as the three pixies fight each other, once again.

Until she and y/n notice 5 year old Aurora rushing off towards the edge of cliff chasing a certain butterfly.

"Oh, look. Your little butterfly is about to lead the little beast off the cliff." Maleficent said, nonchalantly, as if she didn't care.

Aurora runs after the butterfly and as she goes over the edge of the cliff, Maleficent uses her magic to have some branches catch her.

Sapphire immediately flies back to apologize to y/n, but y/n's too busy smiling at Maleficent.

"What?" Maleficent asks.

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