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"Thank the lord, I was beginning you were gonna spare the wretched man" Maleficent says in relief.

"Not a chance" y/n says, still reveling in his death, looking over the edge. She didn't like the look of the dead body, but she was definitely glad it was dead.

Y/n runs over to Maleficent and brings her into a kiss.

"I love you" y/n says once the kiss dies out.

"I love you too. Now this thing is just fighting to get out of my grip" Maleficent says, chuckling at the blue wing piece that was trying to reconnect with y/n.

So she brought her wings out again, for the first time in a long while.

And after nodding at Mal, her wing is released, and it finally reconnects with her broken wing.

"Oh my god! I've missed this!" y/n says excitedly.

"I know the feeling" Mal says.

Maleficent looks at y/n's repaired wings, glad that she finally got them back. "I think the tip of it chipped off a bit, but you can still fly!" Mal says, hyping her up.

"Oh that. I think that he actually put that tiny piece into his wife's wedding ring, but it's okay. She can keep it" y/n chuckles.

Diaval flies up to the two. Mal turns him back into human form.

"I've been looking for you two everywhere. Why the hell did no one tell me where you guys were?" he asks, extremely out of breath.

"Woah. You have your wings back too" Diaval says to Y/n.

"We should go on our first ever fly together with all three of us." Y/n says, excited to fly again.

And the three soared through the sky together for the first time ever. And they were happier then they'd been for a long long time.

Y/n balance was a bit affected by the small bit of her wing that was missing, but she said that it didn't bother her much, though Maleficent had to hold her during landing, which neither participant minded.

Over the next year, the two began dating, in a sense. They considered themselves lovers, and they performed intimate acts together.

Maleficent loved to tease y/n in front of everyone about these acts, and y/n would get so embarrassed that her cheeks would be red.

And no one shipped them more than Diaval and Aurora.

Though Aurora had grown close with Phillip, much to the dismay of her protective parents.

Maleficent had long since taken down her wall of thorns.

And she and y/n crowned their daughter the queen of the moors, finally uniting their kingdoms.

And all the other creatures were there, and had forgiven Mal for all she'd done. Even the three pixies.

"You have your queen!" Maleficent loudly declared, making everyone cheer.

"And I have mine" she whispers to y/n, clearly trying, and succeeding, to get a reaction out of her.

"Stop itttt" y/n whispers back, flustered.

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