Chapter Three

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Third Party POV:

The pack was in position outside the old prison, Alpha Felix was listening through the wall, in an attempt to hear where his cousin was being kept. The tall girl could definitely hold her own against a few rouges, but even then he worried for her safety if she were to be caught in the battle.

After 15 minutes of listening to gross men talk about some girls they assaulted, he had enough. The pack waited for the signal before closing in on the prison, at the sound of a deep howl that bellowed through the forest, the fighting began.

Allysia's POV:

I was carried through the hallways and back into what I assumed to be the leaders domain. The place reeked of Alcohol and Sex, two smells I've grown to loathe over these past hours. My stomach twisted at the rank stench of the person these people call 'Master' he sat in the old chair with a yellow toothed smile on his crusty lips. I was gagged and my hands were bound together with zip ties, then my worst nightmare happened. the man holding me- while I would rather eat a live rat than touch him; he sat me on the 'Masters' lap, I internally begged and pleaded for him to pick me back up. But with no such luck. The pig faced Asshole rubbed a crumby hand along my waist and up my thigh, it was at this moment I started crying.

I hadn't let anyone see or hear me cry (besides the small hand) I prided myself on not being easily broken or scared. But I just couldn't take it anymore; one could argue it was his stench that made my eyes water, but I couldn't hold back the whimpers and sobs escaping my gagged mouth. I preyed to moon goddess harder than I ever have before, I would sacrifice countless of my pretty dresses or wealthy ways of living, just to rid myself of this Parasite of a man. I would gladly swallow my pride and let a prince rescue me and sweep me off my feet- like the stories i so loathed.

When a loud howl and the sounds of fighting broke out, I knew my Prince was finally here.


What seemed like years passed, before the door was flung open by a body that was hurled at it, My heart jumped to my throat when I spotted my cousin, my Prince. Warriors flooded the room as fighting broke out between the two sides, I couldn't move from this filthy lap, all I could do was watch and hope they save me soon.

"Get your Fucking hands off her!" Came an all to familiar yell, my prince was currently ripping another wolf's head off, then he turned back to face us with a fire in his eyes. He cleared the other rouges and rushed us, I fell to the ground as he tackled the man holding me. We rolled on the ground until I eventually scrambled away, our Beta Colten got to me and made quick work of the zip ties and cloth gag. He then shifted and broke my feet shackles with his strong jaws, in just one chomp I was freed of that iron prison. My attention went back to my savior as he grabbed the 'Master' by his shirt collar and lifted him up off the ground.

"P-Please put me down!" The man begged with ugly tears running down his face, I walked over and stood in front of him; My own tears were still falling. By now the fighting in the room had ceased as our warriors had put down the last of the rouges present. With all eyes on me I stood tall and angry, Beta Colten gave me a golden blade and I stalked towards the blubbering mess in front of me.

"Please, please have mercy! I swear you'll never see me again!" I scoffed and chocked back a laugh. "Y-Your Filthy pig face will never see the light o-of day again, you don't deserve a quick and easy death, b-but I'm tired of hearing your voice..!" He squirmed and kicked trying to get free, it took every bone in my body not yell and scream profanities at him like I so wished, but I had to be professional. (As professional as an Alpha can get after being kidnapped) With one swift slice of my knife his life was over. Felix dropped his body and it disintegrated in front of my eyes, that's when I realized why I was given a gold knife.

These Bastards weren't rouges, they were Demons. Actual Demons.

Felix shifted back and for once I didn't care that he was butt naked. I hugged him as tight as I could and took in his familiar scent, the scent of a Sunday morning book session, the scent of running around the yard with my fur flying in the wind as we race to get home for supper, the scent of late night cuddles when storms get too loud, the scent of safety, the scent of Home.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything to you? I swear if he hurt you I'll-" I choked out a laugh and just hugged him tighter. "I'm okay, you got here before he could do anything. I love you."

"I love you too Sia." Those few words were enough to calm my racing heart, just hearing his voice again was enough, when I was just starting to think the last thing I would hear him do is yell as we fought those mornings ago.

My heart immediately picked up again as I felt a sharp pain run though my body, that little cold hand was back in the cell all alone. I pulled away from Felix and looked him in the eyes. They were bright golden.

"We need to go save someone else, follow me- I think i remember the way back."

We walked through what I now knew to be the old prison, twisting and turning through hallways I barely remember as I tried to lead us back to my little friend.

"Who are we looking for?" Felix was stern and his voice had lost all the affectionate tone he carried before. "T-The cell I was kept in, I wasn't alone, Someone was in the one b-beside me." He glared coldly around the hallway, "Do they need medical attention? We don't have a doctor with us." My heart sped up as I recognized the door to the cell room. "Yes, they might even be d-dead I'm not sure." His glare didn't change, but I saw the look of sympathy in his eyes.

They got the door open and I rushed down the hall and to the silver door, I could see my breath as I frantically searched for keys or something to pick the lock.

"H-Hey are you in there?! I'm back, we're here to save you!"

No response.

"Do you know w-who keeps the keys? Can you tell us?"

No response.

I wasn't expecting an answer, but it was worth a shot. as I continued to search with no hope, I decided to just check if they're still alive. I bent down and opened the hatch at the bottom on their cell door, when I peaked inside it was pitch black.

Aside from two glowing Eyes staring me down from the far right corner.



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