Chapter Eleven

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Felix's POV:

I grumpily trudged down the hall and to my office.

When I arrived growls could be heard from the closed door, I took a deep breath and swung it open. Immediately the two alphas sitting opposite my desk turned their heads to face me, walking over to sit in my chair I noticed two female Omegas from my pack standing in the corner. I recognized the woman as sisters Lisa and Lura, a pair of twins.

I sat down and organized the papers on my desk before addressing the alphas, they noticeably got quiet and tucked their heads slightly, getting the message that I wasn't happy about dealing with their quarrel. After feeling satisfied that they'd calmed and I fixed my desk. I turned my attention to them. "Alright, would you like to explain why I was woken up for this? Alpha Maloris."

Maloris crossed his arms and glared daggers at Alpha Robinson. "Hey! Look at me, not him." He jumped at my yell and nodded slowly. "Well, this morning I woke up to find HIM in bed with my wife's sister." I nodded, prompting him to continue.

"I then told him to leave my pack-house and he refused, so we fought, then Lura called your Beta and we were brought here." I sighed, looking to the woman, Lisa blushed and seemed very embarrassed while Lura looked rather upset. "Alpha, if I may." Robinson started. "Lisa is my Mate, I do not intend on leaving her just because SOME asshole can't handle not being in control of her anymore."
Maloris growled. "You're a ba-"

"ENOUGH! " They both looked to the ground. "Lisa, do you accept Alpha Robinson as your Mate? And all the responsibilities that brings." She nodded shyly and he gave her a little smile. "Then that settles it, you shall move in with him and become his Luna, End of story." Maloris growled and kept his eyes on the floor.

"Honestly, I don't have time to deal with you children. Now leave, I better not see you in my office again over this issue." They both nodded and promptly left, leaving me alone- finally able to return to my little Mate.


The door shut loudly behind my back as I walked through the small apartment. I noticed the fire had died down so I began the task of starting it again. Once it was dealt with I stood to go make breakfast, but a whimper from the bedroom caught my attention instead. I opened the door to find my Mate sitting on the edge of the bed, attempting to stand. "Hey, hey, I don't want you putting pressure on your legs yet- they aren't healed." He jumped and his head snapped upwards to meet my gaze. It hurt my heart when I saw the fear in his eyes, i walked over and crouched in front of him- placing a hand on his knee. "You're not in trouble, it's okay."

He looked at me cautiously, still not making eye contact. I sighed and leant forwards, resting my body in-between his knees. I wrapped my arms around his small midsection and placed my head against his chest. "Don't be afraid of me, I would never hurt you. You are very important to us." He sniffled quietly.

I smiled against his chest when I felt his small fingers carting through my hair, his left hand moved to my back and gently rested on my shoulder blade. His heart beat was surprisingly slow and calm seeing as just seconds ago he looked to be on the brink of tears. the longer I stayed in this position, the more I never wanted to leave it. His touch was so comforting to me I could probably fall asleep like this, my wolf seemed to agree as he snoozed in the back of my head.

Everything about him is like a drug to us, luring us in and giving comfort unlike anything else. His scent makes me relax and unknowingly calm down. His touch sends warmth underneath my skin that cascades down my body like a waterfall of bliss. And finally his eyes- they are the embodiment of magic, glowing and glittering against the mono-ton background of my bedroom. He is perfect, imperfections and all. The only one who can truly calm the beast that resides inside me.

I was brought out of my daydream when I felt him shiver. It was then I realized the fire place in here had died down. I leaned back from him and smiled when I saw he was looking me in the eyes. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" He nodded sheepishly as I stood up.

After getting him in the bathroom I began fixing the fire. A light knock on the sink brought my attention back to him so I stood and helped him back to the bed. "Are you hungry? I was about to make some breakfast." He paused for a second, glancing at the window behind me. When I turned though, nothing was there. "Hey?" He snapped his head back to me, looking slightly nervous.

"Is everything alright? Is there something you want to tell me?" I could see the tears build in his eyes before they slowly fell down his face. I had no idea what happened, everything seemed fine this morning. Maybe he is just overwhelmed with being in a new place still?

I was caught off guard when he abruptly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my chest. He pushed his head into the crook of my neck and In-hailed my scent, probably to try and calm himself. My heart was beating extremely fast with my wolf pacing around in my head. He couldn't figure out what was wrong either.

"Are you okay? Do your legs hurt?" After shaking his head I was at a loss for what to do. then, I felt his cold bated breath on my neck. "F-Felix..?"

"..! Yes?" I swear my heart exploded when I heard the soft, quiet, word. His voice was on the higher end and nearly a whisper. "Mmm.." he leant his head back against my neck humming to himself as if debating on wether or not to continue.

"W-why- why do your touch feels
g-good?" thankful for my enhanced hearing at this moment as I was only just able to make out what he said, I took a deep breath. Preparing myself to explain. "Well, have you ever heard of a Mate?" He shook his head. "A Mate is the person who will love you and be with you for the rest of this life." When he didn't respond I decided to just continue.

"The Moon Goddess Selene picks everyone of her children a Mate so they can be happy and never have to be alone, do you understand?" It took a second, but he eventually nodded.
"Mate's have what we call a Bond. That Bond pulls them together and helps them connect on a more spiritual level that most human never experience." At this time he leaned back, so I pulled him into my lap. He looked up at me slightly nervous, I decided to keep going. "the Bond is a very mysterious thing, it connects people in many ways." I reached down and grabbed his hand pulling it up to my lips and placing a soft kiss on his bruised knuckles. "Do you feel warm fuzzy tingles when I touch your skin?" He nodded with a light blush on his cheeks. "B-Bon-Bond..?"

"Yes, that's our Bond. You are my Mate, I'm yours for the rest of our lives. You mean everything to us." My heart crippled when he smiled at me looking up through his eyelashes.
So adorable. "Do you accept me as your Mate, little one?" He giggled softly at the nickname and nodded.


Let's hope this day just keeps getting better.



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