Chapter Five

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Felix's POV:

I woke up from the sound of wheels squeaking along the floor, when I glanced up there was a bed in the room. I stood and sat Sia back in the chair, being careful not to wake her.

"How are they?" The nurse looked at me with a sad smile. "they're stable Alpha, Dr Riggs will be here soon to explain what all we found and the surgery we had to do." My stomach flipped at the word surgery, as I watched the nurse bow her head before walking out. The door shut and silence filled the room once more.

I looked down to my little Mate, from what I can tell they've had the deep lacerations stitched, along with the burns dressed and taken care of. I'm not very informed on Demons healing abilities, but from the little information I have- they heal faster than humans at least.

I sighed, rubbing at my temples. The injuries i sustained in the fight were already healed, and from a quick glance at the clock i saw it was 5:30 am. I took a seat on the bed beside my little Mate and held their hand, it was so small and I would've been cooing over how cute that is, if it weren't for the fact they were so injured, and traumatized no doubt. I sat alone for a good 15 minutes before Dr, Riggs finally made an appearance.

"Alpha." I turned my head to face him. "Are they going to be okay?" He gave me a tired smile and walked to the chair beside the bed.

"He sustained multiple injuries from the gold chains I've been told about, I would like to think he wasn't in that cell for long but I'm afraid with the amount of scarring it had to have been at least a month." My jaw dropped at that, my little Mate was stuck in that cell for a month? Maybe more..

"We found what seemed to be a Demonic ability suppressant in his wrist, look here." He grabbed my Mates hand and flipped it over to reveal an earring lookalike silver hoop that stuck into my Mates boney wrist. The surrounding area of skin was red and irritated, it looked quite painful and was definitely not supposed to be there. "And why Didn't you remove it?" I shot him a nasty glare, prompting him to drop my Mates hand and sink back into the chair.

"I have no knowledge of what it's attached to, or how it works. Operating without proper information could prove dangerous, not only for Him but for us." I cleared my throat to stop the growl from my wolf escaping, he was also pissed. "How could it be dangerous for us?"

"We don't know if it was put there for safety. I've heard of demons who cannot control their abilities and therefore, are a Danger to those around. I believe it's in everyone's best interest to let me research this device before operating, and if it's harmless to remove. I will do so." I was less than pleased with that answer, but it is the smartest decision.

"Start researching then, I want this thing out of my Mate as soon as possible." He looked shocked when I said Mate, but didn't dare to say anything about it. Instead he explained the injuries (and treatment plan for said injuries) before making a swift exit. No doubt to rid himself of my death glare.

At about 8:00 am I fell back asleep in the chair beside my Mates bed.

Allysia's POV:

I was woken up by the sound of rain outside, after a quick glance I spotted my cousin sitting in a chair beside a new bed in the room. When I went to stand I realized someone had given me a blanket and tucked me in, that was no doubt Felix's doing- I thought while going to place the blanket on him.

I sat beside my little friend and took their hand, it was still cold but no longer blue and scary looking. I still couldn't tell if they were male or female as they looked very androgynous, they had long thick black hair that went down to their knees. I was sure the doctors washed them because I couldn't find any trace of blood or dirt, they still didn't carry a scent however. I could only pick up the clean hospital smell and the lingering scent of Felix- the doctors and nurses. I've never heard of anyone just not having Any natural scent. There was nothing unique to them that we could use to track their whereabouts. that wasn't the only thing weird though.

They had an oxygen mask on, but underneath I could just barely see their lips slightly parted. And the inside of their mouth was Blue. I'm not talking about blue from the cold. No. I mean like when you have a blue loli and it stains your mouth, this was so weird..

"What are you doing?" I jumped slightly at the sound of Felix's voice, only now realizing how close my face was to theirs. When I turned to face him, he looked more than a little agitated.

"I-I was looking at their mouth, did you know it's Blue?" He lifted an eyebrow and stood, making his way over and peering down at the face of my little friend.

"Oh my Selene.. they're of royal blood.." I was shocked to hear that, but also more than slightly confused as to how he knew.

"How can you tell? What do you mean royal blood?" He sat on the bed beside me, taking a little hand in his. "every shifter and supernatural species have a royal family. The Werewolf's have the Poíveé family- as you know, the Angel's have their elder angel. And.." He paused for a second glancing up towards my face. I racked my brain for the answer trying desperately to remember what I was taught in secondary school. Until it finally hit me.

The only Demon I would think is a royal would be "Seivölka.. he's their leader..." Felix nodded. my heart thumped fast against my ribs.

"They're related to Seivölka. And he doesn't have any family.." realization hit me like a brick to the throat.

"They're the child of THE Demon king.."


I flopped onto my bed, this week was already exhausting and it wasn't even over yet, Tomorrow was only Wednesday. After learning we had Demon royalty in our pack infirmary Felix was more than a little worried the devil might come knocking on our door (Or violently break it down) I decided to have a well deserved break from people and thinking, so I read me a good book for the rest of the day, and just now took a warm shower. Every little noise made me jump and I almost peed myself when an Omega knocked on my door to say dinners ready. Knowing Felix was still at the infirmary I elected to just eat in my room and watch a movie until my eyes wouldn't stay open anymore.


Knock, Knock, Knock!

"Sia you in there?!" I groaned a response as my door was opened. "What're you still doing in bed? Get up we have a meeting!" Felix stood just in my doorway as I slowly got to my feet and walked to my wardrobe.

"We're meeting with Alpha Douchē for the summer camp he's running, be ready in 15 minutes and meet me in the courtyard."

"Yeah, yeah see you soon." He shut the door as I made my way into the bathroom. after getting ready I walked downstairs and out to the courtyard where I found Felix waiting with our Beta's.

"Alright, we have an hour and 30 to get this done. Is everyone ready?"

"Whose ready for anything at
early-as-shit-o'clock?" I received unimpressed stares before Felix completely ignored my question, he grabbed my hand and we started making our way to the meeting hall.

"So, I have something important to tell you.." he seemed a little nervous for some reason, so I listened intently to what he was about to say.

"Yeah?" He sighed.

"I've found my Mate.." I perked up at that, if I were in wolf form my ears would've shot straight up. "What?! Who is it!" Again I was faced with a nervous glance before he finally spoke.

"It's the little Demon in our infirmary.."

my jaw dropped to my toes as I stopped walking. MY cousin was the Mate of a royal blooded Demon.. could this week get any more stressful?

"Oh and we're hosting the moonlight howl this year."





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