Chapter 20

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"I need a drink."

"Her majesty asks and I deliver." A cup of punch appeared by my side, via a smiling Lindsey.

"Should I trust this punch?" I teased, taking a sniff to try to detect alcohol.

"As far as I know it hasn't been tampered with yet. But Justin is set up under the bleachers if you'd like to add a little extra something." Last year someone had spiked the punch which wouldn't have been a bad thing if it hadn't ended up being more alcohol than punch and left half the school too drunk to walk. .

"I'll stick with this for now." Though it was tempting I needed a straight head with all eyes on me tonight. "You look stunning by the way."

She did look great in a flowing navy dress and her curly red hair plaited to fall down her back."Thanks my best friend picked it out for me."

"I knew the moment I saw it that color would look great with you hair. I couldn't pass it up." I had originally picked the dress up for myself when shopping but knew I couldn't do it justice, not like Lindsey who had the body of a run way model.

"Congratulations by the way, I hadn't had a chance to tell you since you got crowned." She pulled me into a quick hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. I just wish someone else wasn't feeling so bad about it." I reflectively reached up and adjusted my crowd, uncomfortable knowing that it meant so much to Kelly as well.

"She'll get over it."

"I just feel like between the Alien's and the homecoming queen thing, there's a wedge between us. I don't want to lose her."

"You're not going to lose her, Amber. She loves you." Lindsey grabbed my free hand giving it a squeeze. "And stop being so drab, you should be happy."

"I am." I lied, earning myself a stern look.

"Well if you change your mind, we can pay a visit to Justin to liven your drink up."

"I'm good." I quickly turned up the cup, downing the contents. "Just needed a break for a minute."

"That makes two of us." Lindsey rolled her eyes toward the other side of the room.

"Oh no. What's wrong?"

"Apparently, Landon decided against coming stag." I followed her eyes sight to find Landon had his arm draped around a short curvy black haired girl, who was wearing a nude colored dress that left very little to the imagination. As we watched she started caressing his abs over his shirt.

"I think I'm going to throw up." How could a guy who had been crazy about my best friend not even two months ago do such a complete one-eighty? "He doesn't deserve you if he's going to act like that."

"I know." But she still couldn't tear her eyes away. Tracking the up and down motion of the other girls hand.

"There you two are." Kelly's bubbly voice broke into our mullings.

She looked stunning, as usual, in a silky pink dress that was short and had a plunging neck line. I loved Kelly like a sister, but when I saw her my heart plunged and white hot jealousy filled me.

I remembered Aleks parting shot.

She looked gorgeous and she was here with Alek. She would be dancing with Alek. I might have the crown but she had him. As much as I might not like it I couldn't lie to myself. If I could, I would trade her in an instant.

"Where's your date?" I couldn't stop the question from escaping my lips.

"Oh, probably looking all around for me." She waved her hand as though she didn't have a care in the world right now. "You know how I like to make them chase before they catch me."

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