Chapter 4

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I had always seen the water as my second home. It comforted me as it surrounded me in its zone of silence.

I about gave my parents a heart attack on my second birthday. I had been sitting on my mothers lap on the dock when I managed to squirm my way out of her arms and promptly jump in the water without my floater's on. My dad had quickly dived in after me, only to find that I was able to swim on my own, as though I had been born to the water.

Since then I wasn't happy unless I spent at least a little time each day submerged in the lakes depths.

As a result, I happened to be able to hold my breath for extended periods of time. Something my friends called freaky and scared most of them, thinking I wasn't going to come back up one of these days.

As I propelled through the cool, murky water, accelerated from my dive from the height of the house boat, I leisurely churned the water with my feet, gaining distance from the noise above the surface.

When I felt I was some distance away, I settled to the bottom and I opened my eyes looking around at my under water world. I watched as fish swam around me unperturbed with my presence. I let the water surround me and comfort my body.

I knew that by now, my lungs should be burning with the need for air. However, I felt as though I could stay down there forever, out of reach of the worries and responsibilities I faced above the waves. If I was to be honest with myself I would admit that there were days I wished I didn't have to come back to the air of reality.

Knowing I was probably freaking the others out and that I needed to spend this time being social, I finally allowed my body to become buoyant and slowly floated to the top.

I wasn't sure how long I had been submerged but it must have been quite a while. When the others saw my head appear there were screams of relief and laughter as they called out my position.

Brad, who should have been used to my underwater antics by now, had jumped in after me and was starting to make his way over. The water hadn't managed to wash away my annoyance with his overprotective ways.

I turned my back on him and took in the mountain slope that faced me.

Rare for the Northern side, about twenty feet ahead of me was a sandy beach leading to a soft upward slope. There was a pit with logs around it, where someone had obviously had a bonfire recently.

Curious and not ready to face Brad yet, I swam the rest of the way to shore. In the back of my head, I heard Brad calling out for me but something was drawing me to that beach clearing.

On shore I was able to take a closer look at the pit. It had black charred logs in the center, some of which were still letting off a small stream of smoke, as though recently used. There were five large logs placed around the fire situated so you could look out over the water.

What gave me pause though, was the footprints in the sand. With the exception of my own there were no footsteps leading from the water line. However, there were two sets leaving from two logs and heading into the thick tree line before disappearing into the brush.

Who would be wondering about in these woods so close to the Containment Center?

"Amber, where are you going?" I heard Brad yell out as I stepped from the clearing onto what looked to be a well worn path on the forest floor. He was still too far away to stop me though.

Entering that forest was like entering another world. The blaring music from the lake fell away replaced by peaceful birdsong. The towering trees sheltered me from the sun, causing the temperature to drop by a good ten degrees and I actually found myself shivering in my wet bikini.

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