Chapter 47

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I had never considered myself a directionally challenged individual. However, considering this was the fifth time -just today , that I found myself having no earthy idea where I was, I may have to reconsider that assumption. .

In my defense, it didn't help that every hallway that I navigated was identical. White walls with white doors and white floors. With bright fluorescent lighting letting out white light. They hadn't even had the courtesy to number said doors or hallways and there were hundreds if not thousands of hallways down here.

If I had thought the Compound above ground was sterile and boring, this took things to a whole new level.

"It's official, I took a wrong turn." I looked down at the hologram map of the bunker that I had pulled up on my pad. I was clearly heading in the wrong direction, since the dot indicating my current position was on the clear other side of the bunker from my assigned pod. "But which wrong turn?" And which pod was mine anyways. They all looked the damn same.

Once again I was talking to myself. While there may be thousands of Zionians underground at any given time, I hardly ever saw anyone unless in a common area, cafeteria or meeting room.

I hated it.

Life had just been getting interesting above ground. I had been accepted by some of the guys at school who were thinking about starting a football team with me. And the girls were always fun to flirt with. Even the normally stick in the mud, boring Alek had shown some signs of life with that human, Amber.

Now I was stuck locked up all over again. Only this time was worse, there was no escaping and I was expected to sit in long menial meetings ever day. That is, when I actually made it to the meetings and wasn't lost in a never ending maze.

I tried not to be bitter that I was carrying the weight of this responsibility while Alek was likely living the life with his new mate. To be fair, it was normally all on Alek, so it was my time to take up some of my slack.

But if I didn't get out of here soon I was going to lose it.

Frustrated, I slumped against the nearest white white and pulled at the constricting collar of my gray uniform jacket. Yet another thing to miss about above ground, human clothing.

Below ground everyone wore their uniforms all the time. Not only did this result in a boring atmosphere, everyone starting to look alike. It was also damn uncomfortable.

The sound of a pod door swishing open and booted feet exiting to my right had me sighing and pushing off the wall. "Hey my man, you have no clue how glad I am to see you."

The Order officer in his dark blue uniform was clearly less excited by my presence. He was too restrained to role his eyes at his High Commanders son. Still, I swore I heard him mutter in Zionian under his breath. "...too much time around humans. Dimmed their brains."

"Sorry what was that? I didn't quite catch that last part." I closed the distance between us.

He was clearly unfazed that I was calling him out, just turned to face me with a put out look on his ageless face. "Can I help you with something?"

"Sir." While he might be older than me it was a dog eat dog world below ground. It was important that I assert my status at every challenge. The respect that was shown to me was direct reflection on my family line. "What you mean to say is 'Can I help you with something, sir?'"

For a minute it looked like he was going to refuse to back down, as he looked me up and down. I knew how I looked however. No matter that I hated my uniform, I took care of it and wore it proudly on my tall form. It was clear by the badges on my chest and the strips on my shoulder that I was above this Order officer, and this had him quickly stepping into line. "Yes sir, how can I be of service?"

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