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WHEN ELLA LOOKED LEVI in the eye, all she could think of was how young he looked. Perhaps it was the vulnerability resting in the shadows of his eyes or perhaps the way he had stared at his bruised knuckles before his gaze had flicked to hers, but all she wanted was to hug him, until he felt safe again. Still, she didn't move to do so, if only because it was hard to see what he was feeling. He had every right to be as angry as she had been, so she closed the door behind her, leaning against it silently.

When he had spoken her name he had sounded surprised, but he quickly closed off again when she didn't talk, running a hand through his messy hair as he shook his head.

"You're done with me, aren't you?" he said, his voice so low it felt like a whisper in the room.

Had she been too dramatic? She parted her lips, but he was already on his feet, placing a hand on the door behind her. He leaned in, his hair falling in his eyes, his cologne intertwined with the sharp scent of vodka. Despite his close proximity he didn't touch her, careful even with the amount of alcohol he had drunk.

"Tell me, Eleanora," he murmured," say the word and I will fight for you, you know I will."

"There's no need to fight for me, Levi," she replied, but before she could continue speaking he stepped back.

"Fuck," he said, jaw set as he turned around, his fists clenching.

"Levi," Ella frowned.

He didn't seem to hear her though, running a stressed hand through his hair again as he paced to the window. Just when he reached it she grabbed his arm and turned him around, forcing him to look at her. With a small smile she cupped his cheeks in her hand, voice clear.

"There's no need to fight for me, Levi," she said," because I'm already all yours."

His eyes widened, expression softening at once. All the tension flowed out of him as he placed a gentle hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer for a kiss. Whispers melted against her skin as he spoke again, the storm that had resided in the room having warmed into summer rain, warm around them like a blanket.

"I'm sorry," he said," for before."

"There were a lot of things going on," she replied, shaking her head," I should have stayed, to listen. I'm sorry for running away."

"It's okay," he said," it seems I suck at listening as well."

"You absolutely do," she chuckled, placing her arms around his neck," I wasn't even done speaking yet before you turned around."

He didn't reply, instead resting his forehead against hers gently, breathing out the air in between them. All she wanted was to protect him, to keep this open look in his eyes which was sure to disappear as soon as they stepped out of this room. He was the first one to break the silence, words dancing in the dark room.

"You feel like summer," he said.

She blinked, a smile appearing on her lips. "It's only good that we balance each other out then, Peterson. I know winter is your favorite season, after all."

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, not just like that. You make me feel warm." He placed a hand on his heart, before brushing it against her cheek. "You make me feel, Eleanora."

He watched her with those golden eyes like they were the only two people in the world, tousled hair blending in with the shadows and lips parted, as if in a wish. She counted the bruises on his knuckles like stars, his touch so gentle despite the callouses, the filtered moonlight from the window kissing him silver.

"Eleanora," he said," will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," she replied warmly, pressing a kiss on his lips," of course I will, Levi."

He smiled so brightly it lit up the whole room, kissing her as he lifted her up by her waist. It was a rare display of emotion from him, but one which made her feel like she had swallowed the sun. When he placed her down, she sat down on the carpet and pulled him along, leaning her head on his chest as they were enveloped by a comfortable silence. She knew he could spend the whole night without a word and still be at ease, but she had to ask, if only because she wanted him to trust her.

"Will said you're his brother?" she said, leaning back so she could look him in the face.

"I am," he said, thankfully not looking uneasy by the question at all," you know how my parents were. He asked me to move in with them, so I did, eventually." He glanced at the moon out of the window, tracing the crescent with his eyes. "Even without that, Alex and Will are my brothers, adoption or not."

"You deserve the world, Levi," she said, carefully taking his hand in hers and squeezing it," I hope you know I would do anything for you. That doesn't mean you have to tell me everything, because I know you dislike that, but if you want to, I am always here to listen."

His gaze flicked back to her, but this time she could read his emotions very well, that vulnerability which he never showed so tranquil on him. There was no shield he was holding up, no anger or shock. No, there was just him and her, as he looked at her, really looked at her. He tucked a lock of her hair back which had fallen forward, thumb trailing across the side of her face afterwards.

"Not with you," he said," talking never feels like a chore with you."

He didn't speak for a moment then, but when he continued his eyes were watching the carpet this time, like he was seeing a pattern in the jet black fabric.

"My mother wasn't always bad," he said, eyes far away," I know she tried her best, in her own way. That man, however -" He shook his head, thumb grazing absentmindedly across faded scars on his hands. "He disappeared one day, without a word. It's the best thing he has ever done for us, but I will tell you one thing, if I ever see him again..."

He breathed out. "It doesn't matter, he's gone now. That bastard's probably forgotten all about me and my mother, even though I used to wake up every night with his screams ringing in my head."

Ella didn't stop herself from hugging him this time. Her grip was tight, all the anger she was feeling towards Levi's father, all the grief spilling out at once. She could only see a small boy hiding underneath his bed, memorizing the pattern of the carpet underneath him over and over to forget about the demons outside, and it broke her heart.

"You're hugging me like I'll break if you let go," he murmured.

"I don't think you'll break," she said," but if you do, I'll be here to put you back together again." She pulled him even closer, words tangling in his hair. "You're okay now, Levi. He'll never hurt you again."

He didn't move for a second, but when he did so again he lifted her chin up, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. His words were murmured against her Cupid's bow, settling in her heart.

"I hope you know I would do anything for you too, Eleanora."

She smiled, unable to stop herself when she was around him. He had said she made him feel warm, but he always made her feel at peace, in the calmest way possible.

"By the way," he said, changing the subject," I finished it with Isis. I don't think she'll bother you anymore, but if she does -"

"It'll be fine," she said," if you say you finished it, I know it will be. I did so with Sam as well, just now. He looked ready to move on, finally."

"He better," Levi said," or I'll pay him back for splitting my lip."

"It's okay," she chuckled, brushing against the wound," you still look handsome."

His eyes darkened as he leaned forward, lips grazing against hers as someone slammed the door open. Both their gazes snapped towards the entrance, Ella's eyes widening in surprise when she saw Ava.

"Come downstairs," she said," someone just took Mia."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora