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ALEX DID INDEED SCREAM when Levi told him they were going out. It was high-pitched and alarmed everyone around them, but he didn't care at all, instead wiping a fake tear away. Will on his right however was sniffling for real in the sleeves of his baby blue sweater, looking like his children had just gotten married. Beside that, her second week at St Joseph passed well. Though Mia stood out completely in contrast to the others, with her proper uniform and polite personality, no one dared to bother her with them close. Word about what had happened at the party had spread fast, the rumors so distorted that now everyone was convinced she was Will's fiancée and he had fought some guy trying to steal her away.

Sam merely nodded at her every now and then, a certain awkwardness between them which she hoped would fade over time. They probably would never be as close as they had once been, but that was fine too, in a way. If she had learned anything, it was that change wasn't bad, once in a while. It was Isis she was worried about, her roommate not having shown up at all this past week. She would have thought that she had moved were it not for the fact that all her stuff was still there. Had she gone home? Despite all the drama between them, Ella did hope she was safe if she had.

She didn't mention anything about it to Levi, mostly because they had finally seemed to move past that whole ordeal of their exes and she didn't want to go back in it. Perhaps she was simply overthinking it. Mostly, it really wasn't her business.

"Ella? Class is over."

Mia's voice was gentle, pulling Ella back to reality. She had zoned out for a moment, which hadn't been that hard considering she had Math her first period on a Monday, but the bell had apparently rung, so she grabbed her book, ready to go to PE. St Joseph was fun, waking up early however? Hell. For some reason Will wasn't affected by the fact that it wasn't even ten am though, happily responding to Alex' long string of complaints about how he didn't believe in the school system as they walked through the hallway.

Levi didn't even bother to respond, yawning as he walked beside her, Mia on her other side.

"By the way," Mia said, fidgeting with her hands," what are you guys doing at the end of this month on Saturday?"

Alex' gaze snaps towards them, interest gleaming in his eyes. "Is this a party invitation I'm hearing?"

"How did you even hear anything?" Ella said.

"I have a sharp ear for festivities," Alex said," I believe because I've been a bard in my past life."

"We've been over this," Levi frowned," if you were anything in your past life, it's stupid."

"I'm free on that day, Mia," Will beamed, ignoring Levi and Alex' bickering completely.

"Same," Ella said," I only had some procrastination planned in the afternoon, but I'll push that forward to another time."

"That's great," Mia smiled," it's nothing much really, just that my aunt is holding a fundraiser against animal cruelty and she told me I could bring friends. It's a masked ball, but my aunt has already offered to get you masks and clothes if you want to. She's really excited I'm bringing someone along."

"Concealing my beauty from the world is a crime, honestly," Alex sighed, before grinning," but you know what, I'm willing to sin for a night, baby."

In response Levi slapped him on the head.

"We'll be there," Will promised," I've never been to a masked ball before."

"Your aunt," Ella mused," does that mean we'll finally get to meet Clarkson's wife?"

"You'll love auntie Sahar," Mia said," she's literally such a sweetheart. And besides, she attended St Joseph too for a while! She's enthusiastic to see other students, she said. Once she had a really good friend here, but they unfortunately lost contact."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora