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ELISABETH LOOKED SOBER AT first sight, standing in a corner of the room with a flute of champagne pressed to her lips, but once they locked eyes Ella immediately could see the girl was inebriated. She smiled widely, swaying with every move as she waved, eyes wide under her white mask. Thankfully no one noticed it in the crowded ballroom, but when Elisabeth managed to reach her and practically fell into her arms, the scent of liquor was all too strong.

"Jesus, how much have you had?" Ella said, taking the flute from Elisabeth's hand as she supported her.

"Just, like one, two, three -" Elisabeth began, counting with her fingers and stopping halfway through, giggling," four?"

"That must be some pretty heavy stuff then," Sebastian said, looking around," so, where are they handing it out?"

"She lost track, Bash," Faiza said, wisely hooking her arm through his before Sebastian could run away and get lost," I saw her down more than ten glasses while we were together."

"I don't want to intrude," Ella said as she looked down at Elisabeth, who was leaning against her shoulder," but isn't this a weird time and place to decide to get drunk?" 

"Isn't it always a good time and place to get drunk?" Elisabeth said, words slurring.

In contrast to how her words came across her face looked quite serious, smile wavering a bit. It was quite clear she hadn't suddenly decided to get drunk, but Ella didn't want to pry too much, Levi beside her looking like he wasn't planning on asking anything at all. That didn't surprise her though, his life motto seemed to be to always choose the least bothersome option. To be honest, she found it cute and besides,  a guy who minded his own business was rare to find.

"Let's sit down," Faiza suggested, gently placing a hand on Ella's back," there are chairs on the balcony."

They walked through one of the two doors leading to the balcony on the left, Levi helping her to support Elisabeth even though he didn't need to. The balcony was quite full with people who seemed high on the atmosphere, the soft piano music from inside dancing amongst the branches of the trees above them. The sky was already saturated a dark blue, dusted with stars like sugar, a sweet taste in the air which was reminiscent of midnight memories.

Like Faiza had said there were chairs on the balcony, scattered across, and Ella walked past a group of laughing guys to place Elisabeth down on one of them. The girl leaned back her head, her golden curls spilling across the railing of the balcony, lips parting in the fresh evening air. Alcohol had colored her cheeks, so the chill would do her good. Levi shrugged off his jacket, placing it around Ella's shoulders, before waving at Elisabeth to get her attention and then gesturing at something inside.

"What are you doing?" Elisabeth laughed, not seeming to process anything at all.

To be fair, with how unclear Levi was being Ella didn't think Faiza and Sebastian understood him either.

"He's offering to get your jacket if you want," she said.

Levi nodded like it was the most obvious thing and the world and she had to suppress a smile. Elisabeth however shook her head, flashing him a thankful smile. Her brother was standing to her left, practically running around with Faiza as he tried to give her his jacket and she tried to refuse it politely.

"Accept it!" he said, pace fast as they started walking circles around them.

"No, you'll be cold," she said," I'm fine."

"I don't get cold."

"You get chilly in summer, Bash."

"Anything below thirty degrees is winter, Faiza, that's universally known."

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