58. Third Time's the Charm

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Coming up to the fortified settlement that had once been a small housing development, I had a moment of trepidation when the armed man standing guard at the gate confronted me. In order to answer his challenge, I had to pull the bandanna down to free my face. However, almost before we could finish the necessary validity checks, a second, slightly familiar male voice cut him off.

"Hold up! That's Sarge! She's one of us. Let her through!" The gates creaked open. The second speaker rushed out to escort me in and that's when I recognized Mr. Webb, the husband of the family we had welcomed to Sanctuary during the initial founding. "Hey, Sarge! Welcome back to Sanctuary!"

"Thanks, Mr. Webb! It's good to see you. How're you all settling in?"

"We're doing well, thanks to you and the Minutemen." We moved off to one side to talk. Mr. Webb was happy to give me the latest updates and improvements to Sanctuary since my last visit. Looking around, I barely recognized the dilapidated development as it once was. It now looked very much like a settled training center, a bustling community grown up to support the resurgence of the Minutemen as a force for good across the Commonwealth. Garvey's been busy. He should be proud of all he's accomplished since I met him in Concord. This place is truly amazing.

I was catching up with the latest Webb family news when Sturges rushed up, an enormous happy smile plastered across his friendly face. "Heya Lady! Errr, Sarge..." he corrected himself with a blush and a hearty clap on my back that nearly sent me sprawling. "Uhh, sorry about that." My balance was instantly assisted by his large, muscular arm practically lifting me off my feet. Dang, I forgot how strong this guy was.

"No problem," I gasped, trying to catch my breath after that enthusiastic greeting. "Uh, just call me 'Anne' if you will."

"Sure thing, Lady! Uhhh, I mean... Anne." This time, he ran his fingers through his thick, black hair, unintentionally lifting the pompadour even higher. I had to smile at his antics, all good nature and friendliness wrapped in a charming drawl, even when verbally stepping all over himself.

"'Lady' works fine, too." I smiled at him, and he dropped his hands to return my smile with one of his own. Though I've never been much of a lady, and have only gotten worse since coming here. Ah, well, it's nice to hear.

"Thanks, Lady," he said, stepping around the packs to sweep me into a warm bear hug that smelled faintly of motor oil and hot metal. "We didn't know you were comin' but I'm sure glad to see you! Welcome back!" Behind me, Mr. Webb called out his goodbyes as he returned to the guard post.

I hugged him back as hard as I could, knowing he could take it. "Good to see you too, Sturges," I gasped around his strong embrace. "Is Garvey around? Need a place to stay..."

Sturges released me abruptly only to sweep up both packs in one arm, offering the other in chivalrous escort. "Garvey's out helping one of our settlements and should be back late tonight. In the meantime, allow me to show you around. We've made a bunch of improvements since you've last been here."

"Mr. Webb was just catching me up a bit. Looks like Sanctuary is shaping up into a wonderful colony for the Minutemen."

"And their families," Sturges added, gesturing to one of the buildings with his chin, my hand still tucked in the crook of his elbow. "Got a school and everything; enough to rival Diamond City's."

We strolled around the circular path that wandered just inside the fortifications surrounding Sanctuary's borders. Activity bustled around us, people going about their daily lives- farming, training, building improvements to the settlement. Sturges pointed out several new guard posts, and even some automated turrets. "Those are mine," he announced proudly. "Guards are all well and good, but machines don't need meal breaks."

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