78. Planting Roots

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The old warehouse had undergone an amazing transformation. The place had been swept clean and the debris removed. Downstairs was separated into an initial reception area, with an attached multi-purpose room that could be used for meetings, sparring practice, or whatever we could think of for a relatively large empty space. Tucked away against the back wall on the other side was a sizable workshop containing a couple of benches, tool chests, and display racks just waiting for weapon and armor crafting. MacCready practically had to drag me away to explore the upstairs living quarters.

Daisy definitely had a hand in furnishing the place. MacCready informed me that she was a pre-war Ghoul, someone who had been alive when the bombs fell and had been transformed by the radiation into her current form. That influence was apparent in the general décor and presence of functional appliances not usually found in Commonwealth living spaces.

"Rufus must've been working overtime to get this stuff fixed up," I commented to my partner as we examined the refrigerator and wood-burning stove. The bathroom too, had working plumbing and I was delighted at the idea of getting a hot shower whenever I wanted one. Daisy's touch was apparent in the towels hanging next to the old tub- threadbare but clean and pretty.

"Hancock must have something on him to get him away from Claire," was the snarky comment in reply. "Just about everyone owes him favors, which makes him very effective as mayor." He poked his head into the main bedroom and whistled in admiration. "Okay, angel, what did you pay him for all of this?"

A sturdy queen bed took up most of the space, covered in clean sheets and an old scrounged quilt. Comfortable-looking pillows peeked out underneath the neatly made linen. Two dressers stood on either side of a small clothes closet that held the outfits from our date which we had left in Hancock's care. The other upstairs rooms were lightly furnished, one with a double bed and the other holding an empty bookshelf, a desk, and a large sturdy safe bolted to the floor.

"Every cap I had." Hancock had indeed gone above and beyond setting us up in the old warehouse. I almost, almost felt guilty about my scheme to free MacCready from his contract, but one look at the happy smile on my partner's face quashed any guilt. I mean, we're still going to work with him, but it wasn't fair to RJ to have that kind of obligation hanging over him for the rest of his life. "It was worth it. Look at this place!"

"Oh there's more, angel," MacCready smiled, showing me a newly-repaired ladder leading up to a trap door in the ceiling of the main upstairs area. "You never got a chance to see this."

The hatch led out onto the roof. A waist-high wall encircled the open space. MacCready led me to the edge so I could enjoy the view. One could look down from that vantage point and watch the goings-on of both open squares, as well as having a perfect view of the Old State House balcony where Hancock liked to deliver speeches to the residents. "This is a perfect sniper's position," he explained, miming firing his rifle. "Any unfriendly invaders would have a hard time crossing the square."

Across the rest of the roof stood a series of wooden plots lined up in neat rows, filled with dirt. "It's not much now," my partner continued, grabbing my hand to get my attention, "but we can grow crops up here. I worked it out with Hancock when we were negotiating." He pointed to each of the labeled containers in turn. "Carrots, tatos, melons, razorgrain in these over here, corn, and mutfuit." The last two plots had several immature mutfruit trees already in place. At my silent gaze, he blushed and ducked his head, tugging on the brim of his cap. "I, uh, worked my in-laws farmland for a few years before Duncan got sick. It was kinda fun. Learned how to grow all kinds of crops." His voice dropped in embarrassment and he looked at me from the corner of his eye. "It's hard work, not as profitable as sniping, but..."

His stammering explanation broke off as I kissed him. "You are amazing, RJ," I announced. "Thank you. This is perfect."


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