37. Journey to the Prydwen

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We woke up later than we had planned, still lovingly entwined from the night before. With a gentle kiss to my forehead, MacCready commented dreamily, smiling, "This is a lot nicer than sleeping on the couch. Warmer, too. Ready to face the day?"

After heading out of Diamond City, I decided it was still early enough to stop in Hangman's Alley to check in on the settlers there. The headman was quite happy to see us, handing me one of the ubiquitous data files, this time from Preston Garvey. "This came in with one of the provisioning runs. Orders were to give it to you if you showed up here."

"Thanks a lot. How are you holding up?" I took the file, putting it away for later.

"Pretty good, actually," the headman replied with a proprietary look around the growing settlement. "We've managed to set up enough shelters and beds for everyone, and we've been trading some of the gear you left when you took the place for crops and other essentials from Sanctuary. It's a good start, and we're hoping to build more soon. The Minutemen really came through for us."

We wrapped up our visit quickly after that exchange, wanting to get to Cambridge as quickly as possible. With more regular travelers on the main roads, the wildlife was less of a danger, but we had to keep our eyes open for raiders and other scavengers. On the way, I took a moment to play the file Garvey had sent while MacCready kept watch for trouble ahead, allowing me to concentrate.

"Sarge, this is General Garvey. Thanks to your help, the settlers at Hangman's Alley were the third group agreeing to join the Minutemen. We contacted a farm near to Sanctuary as well, who can provide crops to our growing community in exchange for Minutemen protection. I'm so proud to see the dream of a safer Commonwealth coming true, one settlement at a time. On this data file, Sturges figured out how to program a radio frequency to connect to that Pip-Boy of yours. It will allow us to contact each other. I will keep you updated on our progress in growing the Minutemen, and let you know if there are any nearby settlements that could use a hand. Thanks again, Sarge. Garvey out." My Pip-Boy's RADIO tab was looking quite full at this point, the new line "MinMen" appearing underneath the rest.

MacCready rolled his eyes, "How is he supposed to know if we're near a settlement that needs help?" he asked sardonically.

"I suspect that 'nearby' means 'anywhere in the greater Commonwealth.'" I tried to reason things out in a way that would sit better with my partner's sensibilities. "After all, we need to be out and about if we're going to not only help people, my preferred method to pay Hancock back, but we also need to find a Courser. Might as well spread the word about the Minutemen too, while we're at it."

He gave me a long, searching look as we strode along. "Is this all part of some grand altruistic goal of yours?"

I shrugged. "I guess. Why not? There's nothing wrong with trying to make the world a little better off than you found it, sowing the seeds of hope for a better future."

"You know, Boss, sometimes you just go way over my head. You should look out for yourself. How is this going to help you get home?" His eyebrows lowered in a grim expression as he scanned the terrain ahead.

"I don't know if it will. Karma works in weird ways. But I do know it makes me feel good knowing I helped someone who needed it." At this statement, I moved over to give MacCready a quick affectionate nudge with my shoulder. "Like a certain mercenary I know."

He laughed a little, lightening up. "Point taken, though if you want to feel good, all you have to do is ask me," he said with a wink and a leering grin. His chuckle deepened as he noticed the flush creeping across my face, and my increased pace.

We entered the outskirts of Cambridge to see the Police station had been greatly enhanced. There were several more Brotherhood soldiers in and around the building, most performing their duties in power armor. The barricades and initial fortifications had been reinforced, and a Brotherhood vertibird helicopter stood on the roof, lending its intimidating presence to the outpost.

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