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Ella's POV

I was hesitating whether I should follow Jeonghan to his bedroom or not. We are already done eating our breakfast and I just took the medicine he gave me. Now I am mentally debating if I should go and sleep inside his bedroom. It was too much for me to sink his sudden act cause it was so not him. It was not in his personality nor his attitude to let someone sleep on his own bed.

"What are you still doing here?" My senses went back when I heard his voice in front me. He was clearly sounded so irritated.

I didn't know what to answer and I'm sure he knows that I'm still thinking about this whole thing. Obviously, it was all very surprising to me. His actions and everything is very shocking.

"I'll just rest at the guest room." I replied in whisper still enough for him to hear my words.

"What did I just tell you earlier? You will rest inside my bedroom." He said. "Your parents are here, stupid. What will they think if I let you sleep in the guest room?"

Oh. Here I thought that he was acting like a concerned husband yet, again, for a hundredth times, I was wrong. Why didn't I even think that he was just acting because our parents are here?

 I suddenly heard him chuckled. "Come on, your parents would blame me if something bad happens to you here. So please cooperate and follow me to my room. You seriously need to rest." He uttered and turned his back on me.

"No." I said making him stop. "I will not sleep there. I'd rather go back to my apartment than sleep on your bed and make fun of me."

He looked back and sighed. "Why are you being so ---"

"What? Stubborn?" I cut him off. "I know I am. So don't force me. I will not take a rest. I'm fine and I will be fine. You don't have to act like you care. I can take care of myself."

"Oh really? It didn't look like it though." He said in amusement. "I know you're not fine. Don't hide it."

I heaved a deep sigh and looked at his eyes. "Stop acting like you know me. Stop acting like you care about me. Stop it. You don't have to pretend in front of our parents. They know everything about us. And they would care less if you'll just ignore me. They would not care and I know you wouldn't too. So just stop."

This words were just a facade. I want him to stop acting so it wouldn't be hard for me in the future. I love him so much and I don't know if I could take it if he will give me a motive to fall for him even more.

"Okay." His words made me pause and before I knew it, he turned his back again and just left me.

Is that it? I mean, at least he'd utter more words than 'okay' right?

I sighed. 'What would I expect from him anyway?'

"It better to get treated like this. At least I have a reason to move on if we get a divorce in the future." I mumbled and I sat on the chair behind me.

Jeonghan was very clever and annoying. He likes to play with my feelings. He's treating our marriage like a joke. And the fact that its been three years, clearly made me wonder why he didn't just divorce me. I mean, he can easily ask his grandparents and our parents to end our marriage. They would gladly listen to him than me. They will favor his decision than mine. So why not end this right? Even if hurts me, I would give him his freedom if he asks for it. Besides, I didn't have a choice anyway. I would be willing to grant whatever makes him happy.

"If I were you I would make him regret his actions." 

Another voice chimed in and I know it came from no one, other than Jeohee. She's the only one who could call him names. 

"Hi Jeohee." I greeted her and asked to sit beside me. "Are you hungry?"

She shook her head in reply and sighed. "Why did you agree to marry my brother anyway? Wonwoo oppa is better than him."

I glared at her. "What? How could you say that? I just met Wonwoo yesterday Jeohee. Its not like I've known him all my life. Besides, it was not me and Jeonghan's decision to marry each other. It was the elders. You know we can't say 'no' to them."

"Yeah right." She made face. "But I've known Wonwoo oppa since then. If only you met him first. I bet you would fall for him. You would probably ditch your marriage with Jeonghan oppa if it just happened."

I know it was a joke but I couldn't help thinking about it too. Jeonghan is my first love. He's the man of my dreams. And the fact that we got married, somehow made me think that we are destined for each other. At least that was what I thought when I first heard about our marriage.

Though our story was a little blurry now, my feelings didn't change. I still love him. But if have known Wonwoo first, maybe some things might have not happened. 

"But we didn't knew each other back then Jeohee." I said.

"And you knew each other now. So why not try, right?" She teased, wriggling her eyebrows up and down. "He's so handsome unnie. You've seen how good person he is. And he's a gentleman. Like all in one package."

'But he's not your brother' 

I want to reply but I decided not to say it. 

I just scoffed and smiled. "Do you have any idea what you're doing Jeohee? I am a married woman. Please, stop pushing me to another man. You know its not a good idea. Our parents would find it hideous."

"Oh come on! As if Jeonghan oppa is treating you like a wife. You have every reason to find another man." She disagreed. "Step up your game unnie. At least know your worth. I may be your husband's sister, but I am rooting for you. Find a man who knows your value. Or at least, let my brother know what he's missing about you. Make him regret and jealous."

I unbelievably shook my head as I looked at her and chuckled. "Jeohee, you know---"

"Are you trying to persuade my wife to cheat on me Jeohee?"

We both looked at the door and saw Jeonghan glaring at the both of us.

He looked, angry?

"Why not? You deserve to get cheated. Unnie's too good for you." Joehee replied in sarcasm. I held her hand to stop but she did not listen. "She deserve someone better than you, oppa."

"Does she?" Like I swear, I held my breathe when his gaze dropped on me. "I mean, I know I'm not a good husband. But I deserve her respect as my wife and I won't stay still if I see her with another man."

I hissed at his words and was about to speak when Joehee interrupted.

"Wow. As if you respected unnie as your wife." She jerked off. "Gosh, I still didn't forget what I saw at the backstage oppa. So please stop."

"Joehee." I called her to stop.

"I don't care. As long as were married, she can't date anyone. And as long as I agreed to this marriage, she is still my wife." Jeonghan uttered.

It somehow seemed flattering and cute but at the same time, its like I've been tied. He was telling me that I can't have any other man but he was treating me like I'm just no one. If he cares about this marriage as much as I am then why does he have to treat me like this?

"And what if she dates someone she really like? Would you stop her?" Jeohee's question made my brows furrowed as I slowly diverted my gaze back to Jeonghan.

"Yes." He said looking straight into my eyes. "As long as you are my wife. You are mine."


Sorry for the long wait everyone. Please bear with me.

I hope you'll still doing fine despite this pandemic. Keep safe everyone!


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