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Ella's POV

"Why are you crying?" I quickly raised my head up and turned when I heard Jeonghan's voice.

He was leaning at my door, staring at me blankly with his arms were fixed on his chest, waiting for my answer.

I mentally cursed when I realized that I forgot to lock the door. Now here he is, witnessing my state. Crying over something I couldn't manage to explain.

"Nothing. My head hurts so much. I just wanted to sleep and rest." I mumbled and buried my head back to my pillow.

"I love you and it hurts so much that you can't love me back." I wanted to scream but I chose not to.

Perhaps, I don't want to explain everything to him.

"I see." He whizzed. "I thought there's something going on with you." He said before I heard the door being closed.

I raised my head back and looked at where he was standing earlier. Another couple of tears fell from my eyes asking why can't he act like a real husband to me for once. Even a little comfort and care would suffice.

Soothing my heart out and sobbing, the door suddenly opened once again. Good thing I was quick enough to turned my head down before he could see my face.

I felt his stares as he sigh. Its as if he has an idea of what he was seeing.

"My members just called me. Something came up at the company and we have a practice. I need to go so take care of yourself." That was all he just said before he left. He didn't even gave me the chance to protest.

Minutes later, I heard the sound of his car's engine slowly disappearing.

And that's when I knew. He left. Like he always do.

Now I'm alone, as per usual, physically, mentally and emotionally sick. My heart hurts so much. But as always, I need to get myself together and accept the truth.

Drying my tears with the back of my hand, I closed my eyes and tried to drift into silence. I have to remind myself that I need to get over it. This wouldn't do good to me.

I need to overcome this pain just like what I've been doing for the past three years. I heaved a deep sigh and after a little while, I found myself slowly falling asleep.

I woke up an hour later, shivering and shaking. My headache got worst and the pain was unbearable. As I tried to open my eyes, it was freezing cold. Its as if I was sleeping outside like its winter. And the fact that I was literally bathing my own sweat made me think that my fever was just being so over dramatic. I want to vomit and I can't even dare move my body.

Its the first time in my whole entire life feeling so sick and ill. I felt so helpless and I felt like I'm dying. What could go worst? Adding the fact that I'm alone here in my apartment.

Well shut it. I'm not literally like alone. I need to call Steffi. That girl would be here in a minute if I tell her what's happening to me.

I forced to turn my body to the other side of the bed and reached for my phone. Good thing I put my bag on my bedside table earlier, it got easier for me to reach it.

As I took my phone out, my vision went blurry. But without another thought, I immediately called the first number I saw on my contacts.



Author's POV

Jeonghan arrived at the company just as their PD was about to get in the conference room. His fellow members were currently sitting and talking when he got in. He sat beside DK and they immediately stood up, greeting their boss.

I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now