🐺 Chapter 13. Injured

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—Sideswipe's P.O.V——
Rose had been so upset when she came running to her mom and Sunny and I didn't understand. We actually thought Skye had done something but our thoughts changed as the word 'crocodile' dropped. "Rose? Where is Skye?" I asked. She pointed at the woods we followed gaze before walking up to the spot.

Skye had some serious damage to her leg. Nasty puncture wounds. The way she was breathing told me she was in a lot of pain. Apparently the animal had dragged her into the water and had performed a death-role. I don't know how she did it, but she managed to escape the animal and climb out of the water.

Besides being injured, she was really shaken up as well. She nearly bit my hand as I tried to have a closer look on her leg. "Skye!" I snapped, but it was mostly worry. Her other wounds had reopened for the second time. "You are such a...you are such a trouble maker. You know that?" I asked.

She whimpered in pain before getting or trying to get back up on her feet. I sighed while she limped over to the farm house, not showing any signs that she needed help. She tough, I had to admit that. She dropped herself on the floor, breathing fast. Rose turned away from her mother and crouched down next to her, rubbing her head while tears ran down her cheek. "You have to do something... I can't lose her too."

It actually broke my spark, knowing she cared so much about Skye. "She'll be fine, Rose." She sighed and sat down, rubbing her head. "She needs stitches and then she'll be fine..." her mother assured her as she pressed on the wound. "We called in Ratchet..." I added.

Ratchet fixed the bite wound for a big part, and her pain faded. "She will be fine?" Ratchet nodded. "She will, but we need to take her. So I can keep an extra close eye on her." Rose sighed and looked down for a brief second. "If she feels better then..." she trailed off.

Ratchet told us to go ahead and that's what we did. "I think we need to keep an extra close eye on her. Before she runs off again and this time succeeds," I said. Sunny answered with a grumble. I can't really blame her, the femme asked a lot of attention. She just feels betrayed and blames herself for James's death.

Back at the base, we had to wait till Ratchet had fixed her wounds. When we were finally able to see her, she was in a horrible mood. She glared at us, and slid off the medical bed. The medical gown was way too big for her, but she didn't care. "What do you want, twins?" She snapped and pushed us aside. "You shouldn't have left. None of this would have happened if you stayed."

"Am I supposedly cry now? I don't give a shit about what happened... I don't blame anyone for what happened. Only that stupid reptile..." she scowled angrily. She marched over to her room and slammed the door shut in our faces. "I say... we leave and let her cool down..." I said. Sunstreaker hummed and locked the door of her room. "Now we secured she can't escape, I am going to paint and clear my mind," he announced.

I let him go so he could do whatever he wanted to do. I needed a break too. Maybe a nap. While I had decided this, I retreated to our room. Sunstreaker completely ignored me like he usually does. Not because he was angered or annoyed, but because he simply wasn't in the mood to talk. I guess it's his way to show me he doesn't want me to talk.

I kicked my shoes aside, removed my shirt and jeans and laid in bed. I curled up and listened to my brother in the background. I snapped out of my state as he had stopped and sounded close. With his hand on my bicep, he lowered his head,— nuzzling in my neck and pressed a soft kiss on my head before he continued drawing and painting.

I treasured these little moments of affection. Sunny didn't show lots of affection towards me, especially not in public so when he did, it's precious and valuable. I curled up with a smile on face and fell asleep.

——Skye's P.O.V————————————
My escape didn't go as planned. I can say it was a complete failure, but nevertheless, I was going to try it again somewhere in the near future. Most likely, the twins will keep an close eye on me now I ran off.

I dressed up, tied my long dark blonde hair in a know and wanted to leave, but the door was locked. "Idiots!" I scowled angrily. One of the twins must have secured the door so I couldn't open it from the inside. I snorted and turned around and opened the window.

I am on the third floor, the highest floor but still high. I jumped and landed not really gracefully on my feet. While scowling, I got back in my feet and left the base for some food. No way I am going to get some food in the mess hall. One it's too busy, and two, I don't want to talk to anybody.

A rookie frowned. "Open the damn gate!" I snapped. He blinked a couple of times. "I said open the damn gate you idiot!" I snarled. He didn't step back, "are you allowed to leave?" That was if! I marched over tonight poor souls and grabbed his color, slamming him against the fence. "I said... open the damn gate! Are you stupid!" I sneered. His brown eyes widened in shock and he quickly shook his head.

"Then open the fucking gate!" I screamed. He crawled back on his feet and opened up. "Primus!" I scowled,— glaring daggers at him and stormed off into town.

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